His Plaything

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His POV (Charles)
Shit ....this kid just found out the body...I don't have any other choice than killing her....Shit ...I can't even enjoy the feeling right now....why did she have to find the body and mess up my plans....fuck this

A sudden knock on door of art room occurs...


That scared me for a sec....who could it be at this time?! "Shh now .... don't you dare to make a noise ....now go and hide there in that cupboard and don't come out until I tell you....if you do as I say I won't kill you ..you understand that?" I instructed the kid and hid the knife inside my coat

(Kid hid in the cupboard as he stood up to open the door ...As he walked towards the door his heartbeat increased as he thought he was gonna get caught...he opened the lock and slowly turned the door knob...after opening the door..)

Joe(elementary art teacher):"hey what are you doing with a locked door...I was told to shut the art room as they were gonna shut the school down....it's very rare to see you here at this time ...what's your excuse this time?"..he looked at me up to down... figuring out what's going on...I straightened my coat and told him a believable lie..."Oh I spilled some coffee you brought earlier for me on my pants....you know how appropriate it would look if I didn't change...that's why"

After saying these words I was so proud of myself...wow ... I'm a great manipulator....and luckily there was some brown paint water lying on the floor...he seemed to believe me with that...just how dumb he is...

"Hmm okay ...but be careful next time okay? You can't spill things in art room...these props are made with many teacher's efforts...just keep that in mind..."Joe said ..These words really pissed me now ...

Damn.... seriously... he's literally my junior ... he's giving me orders...I cant ...after I'm done with the kid I'll just kill him in the most grotesque way I can...I swear...
He left the room ,waving at me as if I was a fucking pawn of his...Fuck him!

Now I have to take care of things around here....what should I do with the kid....spare her...not so easily...maybe I should use her...her arts skills are pretty good and ...wait .. stop....what are you thinking Charles!...just kill her and finish this shit...what if she tell the police...you have to kill her..

(He walks towards the cupboard and opens it to find the girl breathing heavily...she was also tearful...and afraid)

"Don't hurt me....p...please ..I swear I won't tell anyone..."she murmured in low voice .(His eyes widened by looking at her in that state..he puts his one hand on his face covering his mouth and chin and gives a sinister smile)

shit man....I'm enjoying this ... looking at her beg to let her live...I really like this ..guess this will be my new toy....a new source of entertainment...

"Get up ...stand now....if you say so I will spare you ...but at one cost...you will have to obey me at all levels....do you agree....I own your life now because I didn't kill you...do you understand?" I said...she nodded to this...
"Looks like you're really enjoying this ..you aren't even resisting....don't tell me you like to be dominated "I said wearing a huge smirk on my face...

(He suddenly stopped her before she spoke by holding her mouth by both cheeks and squeezing it tightly...he was indeed strong...)

"Do you want to get fucked?...that's what you want right....I can tell by your eyes...you really want to do those dirty things with someone... you're filled with lust...such a disgusting thought for a little girl like you ... You will get punished... tomorrow...come to the art room after lunch break for your punishment....if you don't, the punishment increases..."
I said these words and released her face...the red finger marks could be seen on her cheeks...by her look she was surely terrified...but tomorrow we'll come to know if my gaslighting really worked or not...

"Now get out of here before anyone sees us and I will have to kill you again .."

(She suddenly lifted her bag up and rushed out of the art room... terrified)

Phew...it was one long day for me...that girl...is....Anyways! I have to get rid of this body in the bag....this really had to put me in trouble today...

(He lifted a hammer from the toolbox and went towards the bag..)

"Well you have to go now ...you caused me enough trouble today ... goodbye" I said looking at the bag with a pity and smashed the bag with hammer continuously for 10-15 times until the muffled screams stopped ..I picked up the bag and put it in the backseat of my car and drove off to a garbage dump where they burn shit ...

He stopped the car and tossed the body in the fire where garbage was burning...he pulls out a cigarette,puts it between his lips and pulls out the lighter while leaning to his car....he watches the bag of body burn while smoking his ciggerate....a thought comes in his mind....about that girl....will she really come tomorrow...or will she not....now he was really curious....he wanted to know everything about this girl ...

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