Should I move on ?

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                   After 2 weeks....
"How long are you gonna stay like this Freya?", said harper looking at Freya who was sitting quietly in the corner in the class room.

Freya didn't reply just sat there Silent."Freya,dont waste your life like this after someone who doesn't even care for", said sage."  I didn't say those things to his sister why didn't he believe me?",said Freya while tearing up. Harper and sage comforted her. "we know your stealing glances at him", said harper."who said I was looking at him?, I was look at that...uh...tree,yes I was looking at the tree", said Freya nervously. "of course you weren't",said sage sarcasticly."Freya, I think you should move on from hunter now, it's been a month how long are you gonna stay like this,crying because of him",said harper. "look at your-self Freya,you stopped eating and taking care of your self,this isn't you, this isn't the Freya we know.",said sage sadly." it's not that easy to move on you know,but I'll try my best",said Freya tearing up a little bit."it's OK Freya we know your having a hard time,take your time ok",said harper comforting Freya.harper started to get a little better after a few weeks but whenever someone took his name,mentioned him or she saw him pass by,she would get depressed again. One day harper,freya and sage were sitting in class when suddenly Freya said "I'm broken,can someone heal me?"."Freya please don't say this",said sage."you know guys Wht having a broken heart is like?  A broken heart is like having broken ribs,every time I breathe it hurts like someone has stabed me twice in the heart",said Freya."it's ok Freya,we are here for you.",said harper and sage. "thanks guys I'm so grateful for to have you guys and I appreciate your support", said Freya.the next day Freya came to school feeling a bit better,she asked to teacher to use the bathroom as she was walking towards the girls bathroom she met Maria.

"hi Freya", said Maria "hi",said Freya."did you know hunter and I are starting to become well friends even though all we do is fight all the time", said Maria. Maria's words were like a gun shot at Freya's heart."....thts..good for you I guess", said Freya sadly " he gave me a chocolate today but,i didn't except it",said Maria. "why are you telling me this I don't care anymore you know", said Freya with a sigh."I can tell that you haven't moved in and still care just by looking at your face Freya", said Maria with a slight smile. "it's not that easy,i know but you'll get over it", Maia said."I hope I do soon, because it's killing me", said Freya. Freya went back to the class room and told Harper & sage everything. " he didn't even apologize to me once for the things he did to me and he's giving chocolate to a girl he said he hated!?", said Freya while tears rolled down her cheeks. " he didn't deserve you Freya ", said harper. "you deserve so much better then that jerk ",said sage. "you'll realize it sooner or later", said harper.

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