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I have you under my spell now. I know that but you don't, because you are lost. Lost in the depth of the ocean in which I have pushed you. Not to drown you but to have you.

Have you for myself.  For me and only me. I love you....I do..

I do...

I do I do I do I do....

" Hey my boy! Whatcha' doin' " Bertha asked ruffling Jungkook's hair, who was in a half deep slumber , laying on the bed, tired and drained.

The fashion week had ended two days ago and Jungkook came back to London the past afternoon and due to jet lag his entire body and mind were going through bad shit.

A tired body that ached by even a mere turn or twist in the body which made it more worse for him.

" Dancing mumma. Would you like to join?" The fashion designer rasped huskily in his groggy and cracked voice opening his heavy eye lid just enough to glance at her.

" Yes. Surely. " Bertha giggled while Jungkook opened his arms laying on the bed.

The mother smiled at her son softly and layed down with him , hugging tightly.

Jungkook's figure was much bigger than his mother which made Bertha notice before she spoke." A few years ago I used to cup you in my arms while you slept off and now look at you. Huge like a hulk you have turned." He chuckled in half consciousness and nuzzled his face in her hold.

" Good night mumma." Jungkook whispered.

" It's afternoon here , kiddo." She said combing his hairs with her fingers.

"Um-hmm..." Jungkook grumbled lowly in his half sleep.

This was nothing new to the model. He usually cuddled with his mother even though he had become an adult. And Bertha herself loved to rest with Jungkook for now she had realized that Jungkook was growning up and after sometime they won't be living the way they were right now.

One day he will leave her for his own family.  He will become someone's father and won't stay the same. So till then she wanted her son to be with her as much as she could.

" But someone is here to meet you." Bertha said getting  a childish whine from her son.

You see, everyone has their own life to live , doesn't Matter if they are rich or middle-class or poor.

" who is it? I don't wanna go." Jungkook said with still his eyes closed.

" It's Taehyung." She said.

" Huh?" Jungkook's looked up , finally opening his eyes , totally wide awake.

Bertha chuckled at that " Oh....look at my sleepy boy all awake. You like him very much, don't you?" Her voice was sweet just like her pretty smile decorating her lips as they layed, hugging.

" Oh no. It ain't like that. Its just why is he here? Especially when I told him last night that I am so tired. " Jungkook frowned with his lower lip hidding the upper one in disappointment.

" You have his number? He called you?" She asked as her hands in his hairs stopped moving.

" Yeah. Why?" Jungkook asked watching his mother look at him in shock.

" No, I mean , do you have his personal number?" She repeated herself again which made the younger tsk.

" Yes mom. I have his number.  And why are you acting like that? Its because of business for he usually asks me about fashion designing.  I don't know from where does he get such type of weird questions but many are really important which make me doubt my knowledge about my work sometimes" He chuckled at last , recalling doubts that elder had.

Bertha stayed quiet for a while staring at her son and then smiled getting the same smile in return.

" Ok. Then he might be here to ask further questions.  Freshen up and come down. He is waiting for you since almost half an hour now. " The lady patted his head before getting out of the bed.

" come down fast." She said before walking out of the room.

Jungkook sat up and stretching his sore muscles he rushed into the shower.

" Is he coming?" Han asked , who was sitting with Taehyung in the living room while having a chat.

" Yes. " Bertha said sweetly and sat down beside Han while Taehyung sat opposite to them.

The woman looked at Taehyung who was on his phone doing something with full concentration.  Something related to work , but she wanted to ask something and couldn't hold herself.

" Kim..." She called out at which he hummed looking at her.

" Jungkook has your personal phone number?" She asked suspicious about the thing.

" Yes. Why?" The man asked plainly.

Bertha looked at Han , who was shocked after hearing that. They both exchanged glances before she asked in a low and curious tone " but even we don't have you personal number. We always contact you through your secretary..." She trailed wanting Taehyung to understand the thing himself and then explain it to her.

" Oh yeah. He wanted my number for I asked him many things about the work." He said getting a nod of understanding from the duo.

Bertha felt relieved somehow , but she still wasn't satisfied.

" Hey Taehyung! " Jungkook smiled walking to Taehyung who stood up and shook hands with the latter , smiling back.

" Hey Taehyung! " Jungkook smiled walking to Taehyung who stood up and shook hands with the latter , smiling back

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" Hey Jeon

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" Hey Jeon. I disturbed you, didn't I?" Taehyung spoke knowing that Jungkook was sleeping earlier. " Yes. you did that deliberately then." Jungkook asked.

" Yes. Because I want to talk to you about something important."  the elder said. "Now what?" Jungkook sighed.

" Just something more. "

" Lets go." Taehyung said grabbing Jungkook's hand. He started to drag him but then a low rumble was heard by Taehyung which made him halt at his steps with wide shocked eyes and look at Jungkook, whose neck and ears turned red in embarrassment.

Jungkook's stomach had made that noice due to being empty.

Han and Bertha chuckled while Jungkook looked away. " It's fine. You will get an entire meal at my house." Taehyung whispered making Jungkook's neck snap to his face.

" What?" Taehyung questioned . Jungkook shook his head. " Ok then. You go to the car. I have something to talk to your parents." Taehyung rasped lowly in Jungkook's ear who felt a shiver roll down his spine before he breathed heavily and walked out nodding before giving a glance at Taehyung

We aren't in Paris anymore. We are in London now. And he just said that he will take me to his house , didn't he?

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