Chapter 4

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You grabbed water as you went to your kitchen fridge. You then look to your left, as you look at your livingroom you felt like something wrong is about to happen.

You went to your living room seeing a tall figure on your couch. You placed the water and the cup on the table infront of the couch.

"Thanks" Miss Circle thanked you while as nodded.

"Well Miss Circle, what were you ganna tell me?" You asked.

"Oh that, yeah well you see what you did to my head earlier.." she then mention what has happened earlier or what you have done.

'Oh sh-'

"I didnt m-"

"Could you do it again?" Miss Circle Said Citting what were you about to say.

"Huh- what?" You then suddenly asked because you were so shocked on what she has asked you.

"I said..Could you fo it again..?" She repeated what shr just said earlier.

You just stared in an empty mind, but soon enough you snapped back when Miss Circle said.

"Its fine if you dont want to i just asked if you could because i havent had that feeling ever since i was little from my  brother.."

"N-No of course id want to, i was just shocked thats all" you replied so that she wouldnt get the wrong idea.

"Well ok then, so if you please" she then bowed her head so that you could pat or rub it. So you did what she asked, you rubbed her head.

She purred making you less nervous. You noticed what Miss Circle Has said from her brother.

You then smiled as she purrs. You felt really calm as she was just there askig for you ti make her feel the feeling she havent felt in ages. You havent smiled in ages, remembering how your parens has treated you when you were young. They prioritized you "little sister" over you.

Soon after you snapped back seeing yourself frowning as you rub Miss Circle's head.

She then sat down straight again. She then saw you in that frowning face of yours.

"Is everything alright (y/n)?" She asked as you look at her and made a small smile.

"Yeah, im fine Miss Circle..i just remembered something.." you said looking down again.

"Oh i see, well thank you for approving my request. Also you have a big house are you somewhat a rich guy?" She said changing the subject knowing that if she asked the thing you remembered it would make it personal.

"No not really i just lived here because my grandparents passed it to us when they passed away" you told her as she listen to you.

You both talked alot you both opened a few conversations. It got dark quickly when you looked at the window.

"Oh it has gotten dark Miss Circle, would it be better if you head on home by now?" You asked her as you she look at you.

"Well yeah, your right. I shall go and check my home." She said.

You nodded as you both stood up. She went to the front door while you escort her.

"Well thank you for the time and rubbing my head (y/n). I had fun spending time with you.." she said as she turns to you.

"Yes, me too. please get home safe" you told her as she smile and nodded. You smiled as well.

You see her take her leave and you went inside and closed the door behind you as you look over your living room who just had a visitor on it, you smile realising it was Miss Circle who visitid your house first.

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