Chapter 10: Woodland Confessions

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A/N: I hope that you've enjoyed this so far. Please leave comments, suggestions, or thoughts to help me improve. I also wouldn't say no to a few votes. :) 

He was good. Not that she had anything to compare it to, and not that she'd admit as much to him, but she felt that it should be acknowledged. Cooper nipped at her bottom lip and she tried to mimic his actions. Maybe if she admitted she enjoyed it, the chase would be over and he'd finally leave her alone. But oh god, he was a good kisser.

"I knew it!"

On a muffled squeal that Candice would never admit to if it were to ever be brought up again, Candice's free hand was sliding up Cooper's chest and shoving him back with enough force to have him stumbling and whirling to find Spence standing at the corner of the school building as if he'd just come around it, looking at the two of them with a smug smirk on his face. "I knew you were acting weird about her!"

Candice saw Cooper shoot his friend a murderous glare before turning back to her and saying with his own smug smirk, "Still want to tell me you're not interested?"

She looked between the two smug boys, fighting back the embarrassment of being caught kissing someone and trying to decide who to take her anger out on. She decided on both. Pointing at Spence, she started with him first, "I don't know what you're talking about, but it's rude to sneak up on people. This means nothing."

"The hell it does," Cooper snapped, taking a step towards her.

Candice held up her hand, palm out as if warding him off. "It was nice, but I'm still not interested."

"Why the hell not?"

Clutching her things more tightly to her chest with one arm, she took another step back towards the door. "You've kissed more people in one week than I'll probably kiss in my lifetime. You're all about the good times. I'm not a good time, Cooper. I'm the class nerd who spends her free time studying and getting ahead on homework. I'm the one planning for college that won't matter for another two years with no interest in boys and the complications they entail.

"And if I was? It wouldn't just be for the good times; it would be for them all." Shooting Spence one last reprimanding look, she turned and hurried back into the school.


He didn't want her to walk away. He let her because she was right. The fact that he'd done anything out of the ordinary because of her irritated and confused him. There was no chance in hell Candy was the kind of girl a guy could mess around with and not expect strings. She was a strings kind of girl. Coop didn't want strings. Turning away from her retreating form, he found a spot to lean against the brick wall, took out a cigarette, and lit it.

Spence, who he'd completely forgotten about, took up the wall beside him and wordlessly, he held out his pack of cigarettes. "Never seen a chick make you angry before now. You like her."

Coop scowled, "She's no different than any other girl."

"You never got mad about me wanting to ask out another girl," Spence pointed out casually.

"I told you I didn't care what you did."

"And then got pissed off when I talked about it."

"Because you talk too much." And because the idea of Candy making out with Spence had really pissed him off. "You were just going on and on about asking her out; why aren't you pissed off that I was kissing her?" He didn't think twice about making out with another guy's girlfriend, but he never messed with anyone Spence was messing with. Not since the first time.

Spence shrugged nonchalantly, "Because I knew she was different from the day you showed up to detention. Now you just have to figure it out too." Taking a last drag of his cigarette, Spence tossed it to the ground, crushed it beneath his heel, and straightened from the wall. "Later man."

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