Chapter Two

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"I'm very happy that you're here, Jacob," Lisa's mother exclaimed. "I couldn't agree more," Lindsey muttered to herself in a smug manner, and Becky scowled, obviously disappointed that Jacob was taking a shine to Lindsey.
Lisa on the other hand didn't like the way Jacob looked at her before like she was nothing although she could've been wrong about it.

Their father went upstairs to take a shower leaving the women alone with the Beautiful boy.

"How are your parents Jacob" mom asked smiling at him brightly, "oh you know super rich" Jacob answered carelessly as he gaze met Lindsey.

Lindsey blushed at his stare and Becky rolled her eyes clearly she was jealous of her sister and Lisa's attraction towards Jacob slowly faded.

Mom laughed, "ok well are you hungry" she asked softly, "no I already ate but I'm really tired " he said.

"Ok good I've arranged your room already, Lisa why don't you take Jacob to our extra room" her mom gave her an order.

Lisa was confused when exactly did her mother plan for all of this and more importantly there was no way she was going to talk to him this night.

"I can take him" Lindsey offered smiling bashfully at Jacob and he returned it with his cool smirk and Lisa almost wanted to gag at the sight of these two love birds.

But mom knew Lindsey all too well, "no, I want Lisa to take him" she said, "what are you still doing here Lisa get to it " she said once more throwing Jacob an apologetic smile.

Lisa groaned but reluctantly stood up, Jacob on the other hand stood up coolly, "goodnight to you beautiful women" he said only directly at Lisa's mom and sister.

"Good night Jacob" Lindsey called out his name sensually, mom almost wanted to smack her daughter in the head.

Lisa was curious of Jacob age she was sure that Lindsey would be older than him but she wasn't too sure she thought probably she might ask him.

Lisa lead the way and Jacob followed silently as disappeared from her family sight she thought probably was the time to ask him.

She anxiously said, "So, Jacob, how old are you?" but he gave her no response and looked away. When she turned around to see if he heard her, she saw that he was bored.

Lisa scowled at him, but he continued to stare at her as if she were a common housekeeper.

She felt offended by the way he looked down at her, she tried to ignore him and finally arrived at his room door, she was just about to leave that until his firm strong hand touched her shoulder

She felt electrifying shivers run through her body and she brushed of his hand from her

"Aren't you going to open the door" he causally asked, oh now he speaks to me lisa thought bitterly.

"Are you with the keys" he asked staring at her like she was an alien, "oh yeah right" she nervously opens the door and switch on the light.

She had to admit it but her mom really knew how to decorate a boy's room, Jacob walked inside his new room and completely ignoring Lisa presence.

"Okay, then, good night," she muttered to the impolite boy. "I'm eighteen," he said, sitting down and dropping his luggage on the big, comfy bed while keeping a menacing look on her.

"All right," she replied, a little uneasy about this boy but not uncomfortable. He seemed content with her family, so why was he staring at her with such intensity?

"Good night" she says once again but Jacob interrupts her, "are you really Peter's daughter or were you adopted" he asked cruelly knowing full well that peter has three daughters.

"Excuse me" Lisa had enough of this pretty boy she was going to set him up straight, "I'm Peter's daughter and you're a rude jerk" she fumes at him

Jacob gave her a haughty look, not looking very impressed, as if he didn't want to waste his time conversing with someone like her.

"Oh my bad," he feigns an apology, "it's just that you don't really look like your sisters."

But Lisa wasn't buying the explanation; she knew he was making an attempt to make fun of her, but she wasn't sure why or what she had done to deserve it.

"I rather look like my dad" she says although she doesn't know why she'd explain this to him he was a jerk.

As he waited for her response, cynically asking, "Right, I need my beauty sleep so what's your name again," Lisa became enraged.

"You don't need to know if you can't just remember," she says, all smiles, and Jacob merely gives her an agitated smile. Lisa could see he wasn't interested in talking to her again, so she should just leave his room.

"Ok Peter's daughter, I need my rest" he says then get up to unzip his bag completely minding his own business and not acknowledging her existence.

Lisa was a bit furious by now, in her own family house this rude but beautiful creature was being a jerk to her what exactly did she ever do to him.

She closes the door behind him with a sigh, and her mother emerges from the other side as she approaches her own room.

"Lisa is Jacob settling well" she ask her daughter, her mom looked tired probably with her office work in her study that she had been busy with throughout the day.

"Yes he is, and mom, he's a jerk," Lisa angrily exclaimed to her mother.

"Honey don't say that his a sweetheart" her own mother defends the stranger Lisa couldn't believe it.

"But mom he asked me if I was adopted, he said I don't look anything like Lindsey and Becky " Lisa explains

Her mother said, utterly missing the point, "Well honey, you really much look like your father."

Lisa tried to explain, "Mom, you don't understand," but her mother stopped her off, saying, "It's enough, Lisa; you misunderstood him." Lisa couldn't help but feel hurt by her own mother, so she chose to scowl.

"Anyways you both have school tomorrow " her mother said and Lisa was a bit confused what did she mean by both

"What do you mean by both" she asks, "well honey your father and I have enrolled Jacob to your school " she says and Lisa stares at her mother in shock.

"He'd be a year higher in class than you, did you know that his a straight A's student " her mom gushed but Lisa didn't care she was just glad that he wouldn't be in the same class with her.

"But why is he going to the same school with me mom" Lisa whines to her mother, "so that you could show him around and your father and I don't want him feeling completely alone" her mom explains.

Lisa didn't understand why her mother had taken a liking toward Jacob and she found it to being annoying.

"I don't think he'd be alone, I feel he'd rather fit in" Lisa mumbles, "that's great honey love your cheerful attitude, good night honey" her mom said and kissed her on the forehead leaving Lisa unhappy.


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