I am different

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Most people think Ire and I hate each other. We don't. For the most part. To understand my pain and why Ire is helping me, I need to give a little backstory. Well, a long backstory actually.

I was never born. I am not a 'normal' countryhuman i guess. As my nickname suggests, I am multiple kingdoms that were united. Bit of a no-brainer, not that many  people have given it much thought. My real name is Britannia or Britain for sort. Britannia Anglo. 

Long ago, the Roman empire was standing on the coast of Britanny. He looked over the channel and wondered what was on the otherside. He sent for his servants and not much time later, he was on a warship going across the channel. He eventually found and landed at waht is now called Dover. There he set up camp for a while. In the morning, he awoke to see a beautiful women standing with a couple of guardsmen in front of the camp. Her name was Briton. 

Many things happened, one thing led to another and eventually they were married with four children. These being Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland. Rome had helped build a beautiful and rich city, Londonium. He helped Briton defend against the Norse people and build many monuments to honour their relationship. Briton, in return was a faithful and good wife to him. She didn't have much to give, but she gave him her heart.

One day, Rome learnt about some riots happening in his homeland. He told Briton that he'd leave for a while to sort this out and be back soon. He got onto a warship and waved goodbye to his new family. He never came back... We now know that he died and his land was split between his other children. 

Briton was distraught. Her husband had disappeared, leaving her to fend for herself and her children against the Norse. She kept them at bay for a while. She was eventually over whelmed in battle and dragged off to who knows where. Thankfully, the oldest of her children (Scotland and England) kept the Norse at bay, even managing to drive them off the island. Then there was peace for a while.

Ireland has a little sister called Northen Ireland. You may think, but hang on, you said Briton only had four children. To that I say, yes I did. You see, countries can sometimes seperate or divide. This is usually part of a violent process. However, according to Ireland himself, he had it lucky. After a long day in the fields, he was knackered so to speak. So he ate and went to bed as usual. When he woke up, he felt different. Smaller and just... different. He looked around and saw a small girl sleeping next to him. After waking her up, she exclaimed"Deartháir! [Brother]" and hugged him. From that day on, it was assumed that she had seperated in his sleep and they both called each other brother and sister. 

Ironically, given present day scenario, the reason why I exist is because of France's father, Imperial France. England had heard about him from the ocasional trader. Apparently, he was quite a warmongering man, carving out a country for himself to rule; had heard about the island and planned to invade it. The five children stood no chance. Atleast, in their divide states, they didn't. Upon landing, Imperial France expected to meet England and do battle. Instead, he met me. Well, I sent him packing. He never looked back.

What happened was England and Wales convinced the rest to united so that they could withstand the invasion. It was never supposed to be long term. They never expected that I wouldn't be the same people, if that makes sense.

Nearly a thousand years later, I had nearly forgotten about all of this. I mean, I was fighting in the Great War, I wasnt thinking about that. But it's what happened afterwards, that is important.

 I had similar pain to what I am felling now, i just didnt know the cause. Everyone, including me, assumed it was to economic problems/strife. I started seeing visions of all the five children but I didnt know who they were. Then one day, it happened. I was trying to find a way to rectify my utterly destroyed economy when... the pain kicked in. It was sudden, and then boom! With a flash of light, Ireland stood infront of me. Both of us were confused who the other was. 

After a long chat and a couple cups of the last remaining tea in the country, I told Ireland all I knew about the world, history and myself. He, in return told me about all what he knew about the other children and his parents.

It has been our little secret. No-one and I mean NO-ONE except for Ireland and I know the truth.

So this I is currently where I am leaving this for now, Ill get back to this story in a couple days. I know that there are some spelling mistakes and it doesn't flow too well, but I'm hoping to fix that soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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