Part 1

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Hi, my name is Elijah. I'm 15 years old. I lived in a peaceful town, North East. I lived with my little sister, Evelyn but we call her Eve, she is 12 years old and is going on to 13. My older brother Ethan, he's 17. I always looked up to him, he was an amazing leader to my sister and I. We lived in a small orphanage. Life was normal until The Howlers invaded. We escaped the orphanage and hid in a small alley. My brother told us to hide in this box. There wasn't enough room for him. So he decided to make me in charge and keep my little sister safe. He told me to stay put and he'll be right back. Not knowing that will be the last time we'll ever see him. I remember keeping quiet and hearing screaming from people running in the streets getting attacked by the howlers. I heard a familiar voice, it was my brother. I heard him yell "COME AND GET ME BASTARDS!" I peeked out and saw him run past the alley from a bunch of howlers. We haven't spoken of him since. It was a sensitive topic especially to my sister. All I know is that he sacrificed himself to protect us. So I will protect my sister. I think he is still alive, I still have hope. My sister lost hope a while ago since it was impossible to survive in this world now. Welcome to the apocalypse.

September 21st

Entry 1


My sister and I created a mini bunker. OK, a HUGE bunker. It took a few months but we succeeded! I didn't have time to write all this down in my journal because of how busy we were. We just added enough rooms that are needed like bedrooms. We had to use the bathroom at the public pool because we couldn't make running water. Our so-called kitchen was called a snack bar because it didn't look like a kitchen at all. The rooms weren't the best but it was good enough to survive. Yes it will sound unbelievable, but trust me it is so dirty down here. I can't even imagine explaining it. The Howlers never found us yet because they are dumb. Kidding! Our bunker is well hidden enough, we hid the entrance somewhere where no one would bother to look... the trash can! At first, my sister didn't want to do that, but I explained that it would be for the best so we can be safe. Well I can't argue with that, the trash can was a weird idea but it was good enough. So she agreed. So, for the rest of our lives we will be stuck here. Actually, no!

My sister and I are preparing to save the world and looking for survivors. We found one already which was a relief! His name is Marco, he's 13 years old. That might be a good chance because there must be more survivors out there! Which was great because we could REALLY use the help to be ready for the world. Since today, Eve, Marco and I have been getting all the supplies we need because all the shops are abandoned. It can last forever, our town is pretty big. The stores are completely empty so it's technically not illegal to take the stuff. Except the Howlers around here. They're the little minions that help the Howler, to be honest I think their name is pretty weird, but that's not what I want to talk about. Let's get on with my life. Today, the team is upgrading the base since it looked unorganised and dirty, so we went out to get a few things to make the place cooler. But Marco is sort of a genius because he makes helpful gear for us to protect when or what's going to happen in the future (but to be honest they don't work very much but he tries). The important thing is that whenever we go out we always have to bring some weapons or some of Marco's gear because they may come in handy. So we sprayed Marco's stinky smell deodorant so the Howlers don't smell us. My sister and I took self defence classes a few years ago, so we're pretty much okay. Marco stays inside because he wants to be safe and work on his projects. My sister and I sometimes encourage him to teach a few moves but he says no, but it was worth the try! Today Marco is working on a surprise project but we can't see it yet.

So we're trying not to bore ourselves so EVe and I went out to the Mall. We thought of getting bean bags and cool lamps, but lots of them were torn, But that didn't bother us. At least we had something rather than our dirty floor. WHile we were at the mall, we got distracted and played mini games in the arcade. We never thought there would be an arcade working from all the chaos. Overall it was very fun! After playing for like 3 hours we headed to a Burger place. Since no one was there to make the food, that meant WE had to make it. When I was 6, my dad taught my sister and I on how to make them. It took a while but it was worth it. We all were desperate to eat so we got to the base as fast as possible. We gobbled them up like crazy! My sister threw a piece of lettuce at me, so I threw a piece of tomato. Then Marco joined in, we created a massive food fight! I kept aiming for my sister because she was the one who started it. After we finally stopped, the place was a dump! Oh my God I can't start on how to explain it! The leftovers were everywhere! I wish it never ended, we were raised by the right parents so we cleaned it all. For some reason my sister wanted to keep the leftovers. It was very weird but I didn't really care.

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