Chapter 65

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The Clark family and the Maclin family finally close up their hotel business contract. The two business men move to a restaurant to eat. Tyron joins them after his meeting.

" Well done Tyron. I love how you handle your father's business. Good job done." Says Mr. Clark

" Thank you."

" You don't have to thank me. It's not a compliment but the truth. Yolandy said you haven't texted her."

" Please tell her I've been busy. I'll make it up to her." 

" She's home. You can pass by or I can fetch her for you."

" I don't think I can do that. Another time will be fine."

"Just go ahead son. You must be tired from all the meetings."
Lawrence Maclin says to his son.

Mr. Clark calls Yolandy to come over.

Yolandy arrives an hour later and the business men left leaving them there.

" Let's go somewhere fun."
" Like? I'm not used to this place."
" I'll take you there."

Yolandy and Tyron head out of the restaurant. Tyron drives. They arrive at a park.

" I've been wanting to do this my whole life." She says

She drags Tyron by the hand to the cotton candy man.

She tries to feed Tyron with the cotton candy but he refuses to be fed.  Yolandy insists and he allows her. Yolandy is lively and funny but Tyron misses Rashell.

New York City

" Hey Kane"
" Hi Rashell."

" Umm...have you heard from Tyron?"
" Nope."

" Do you know where he might be?"

" Nope. Jason and I have been trying to reach him but nothing."

" Alright thanks."
" Anytime."

She hangs up and turns to Sun.

" He doesn't know where he is?"

" Exactly...I'm scared and beginning to get angry. He can't disappear just like that."

" Trust me he will surely return. We have just three weeks to start college, he'll definitely come around but for now, girl get yourself together and let's go partying."


Two days later, free from business stress, he takes his phone and finds the battery dead so he puts it on charge.

He takes his laptop and tries to book a ticket to go home and checks his bank account if he has enough funds to support his journey back home. His dad is on a phone call in the living room.

" He's buying a ticket??"
" Yes sir."

" Cancel it and freeze all his accounts. Disconnect his phone number, all phone lines in  this house except the telephone for business calls."

" Working on that."
" Good."

Tyron is excited to go back home. He clicks on book but a message pops up

" Sorry but your flight has been cancelled."

Confused, he tries for the second time and it's the same message so he concludes it could be a network problem. He joins his dad in the living room.

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