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(Y/n's POV)

Finally the day of the field trip.

It was Tuesday, so y/n was still not anywhere near the end of the week, but she didn't mind. Because she was still super ecstatic about the field trip. She stayed in the back of the group in order to avoid eye contact with Taehyung, because as much as she loves science, fear had always overtaken every aspect in y/n's life.

The tour of the Seoul Science Center was about an hour long, but they are allowing students to leave when the field trip is over. So y/n, obviously, planned on leaving as soon as it's over.

To y/n, it was cool to look around and see all of the technological things around the place. Their tour guide explained a lot of things they were working on, and those were all captivating, but it was only when they arrived at the spider breeding section that something in particular captured y/n's attentiveness.

"Alright, this is unfortunately the last stop of the tour," the tour guy stated, allowing a chorus of either celebrations or disappointment to sound from the group of students. "But this is also probably the coolest stop that we have here," the tour guy smirked.

"If you look through this window here, you can see the spiders in the tubes. This is where we do experiments on the spiders. We do all kinds of experiments here, but mostly just to see whether they can make certain spiders less lethal. Although, some-" y/n tuned out as she looked through the windows, shuddering at the many spiders displayed in each tube. Worry began to coarse through y/n as she noticed there was one tube that did not contain a spider. Which she wouldn't usually be worried about. But there was a spider in every single tube.

"Which spider was right there?" She asked, squinting her eyes with curiosity as she nervously rubbed the back of her neck. Something quickly flashed in the tour guide's eyes as he turned to face the window, but before y/n could decipher it, he replaced it with a blink.

"Oh, don't worry about that. It was probably taken out for further experimentation," the tour guide answered. Y/n grew a little worried that he was simply trying to calm her down with that answer, judging by the fret that coruscated in his eyes, but she opted to shrug the worry off.

At one point, y/n felt like something was crawling up her arm but when she looked, nothing was there.

It was just your hair stupid.

Usually y/n wouldn't shrug it off so quickly, but her worry dissipated into jealousy when she looked to her right and saw Taehyung with his arm around Jennie's lower back. Her jaw locked as she tried her preeminent best not to glare, distracting her from her anxiety about the missing spider.


The field trip went better than y/n had initially thought. Taehyung didn't mess with her the whole time, and the contraptions were captivating than first sought out. The only thing that bothered her was the fact that Taehyung's arm remained wrapped around Jennie the whole entire time.

As soon as the field trip ended and they finally got back to the school, she went straight to her car and left. She didn't even care about staying for lunch, she just left to go back home. Because her jealousy for Taehyung made her angry, but her sadness get much more prominent.


Y/n entered her house with light footsteps in order to not frighten her Aunt.

"Micheal! Is that you?" She heard Sandara yell from the living room.

"Nope! It's y/n!" Y/n yelled back, making her presence known to her beloved Aunt. She made her way to the living room, meeting her Aunt halfway with a crushing hug.

"Why are you home so early, dear?" Her Aunt asked in that soft voice of her's while letting go of their tight embrace.

"We were allowed to leave early cause the field trip was only one hour,"
Y/n stated, trying to keep her voice calm as images of Jennie being under Taehyung's arm flickered fresh in her memory.

"Oh, yeah. How was that by the way?"

"Oh, it was pretty cool. There was a lot of sciency stuff there. Especially the spiders," y/n answered, laughing when her Aunt visibly cringed at the mention of the insects.

"Ew, dear. Keep the details to yourself. You know I hate those things," the petite lady shuddered, making y/n laugh at how sensitive she was towards the subject of spiders.

"You're the one who asked," y/n shrugged, still smiling while going up the stairs in order to make it to her bedroom.

As she was changing into her sweats she felt a sudden sting on her neck. And as soon as she felt the unpleasant irritation, her hand flew up to rub the nape of her neck where the stinging took place. And for a second, she could've sworn that she felt something crawling on her hand. The slight trickle across her hand continued, prompting her to quickly bring her hand to her front.

Out of all things, a mosquito, a fruit fly, a butterfly, she saw a spider crawling along her hand. A spider.(AN:I hate those creatures..🥶)

Aw, hell no! Wait, did that thing just bite me!

There was a small moment where she just wanted to scream but swiftly slapped the spider multiple times, killing the insect against her hand. After squishing the spider, she all but ran to the bathroom in order to wash it off.

A cringe shook across her body before she glanced up at the mirror as she ran water along her hands. It wasn't until then that she noticed a piece of string dangling on her shoulder.

Thinking it was just a loose thread from her shirt, she got a pair of scissors and pulled at it to bring it more to the front in order to cut it. She instantly stopped with a hiss, realizing whenever she pulled it, it brought the stinging back to the nape of her neck.

Please don't be a spider bite. Please don't be a spider bite.

She turned her head ever so slightly in order to see more of her neck. And when a large red bump came into view, a look of shock played across her features.

"What the fuck." She mumbled to herself as she continued to inspect the red bump.

Her immediate thought was whether or not she should just pull the string out or not. So she left the bathroom and logged into her computer. She looked for resolutions of what to do about the bite and the string but she didn't find anything similar to what she saw. For what she saw was something that didn't look anywhere close to the bump on the back of her neck.

So she decided to pull the string out and not let it stay there forever. She quickly pulled it out, hissing and clenching her jaw in pain as she stood up to look at the bite in the mirror. It was still the same size but it no longer had the string attached.

Panic set in as she wondered upon what could possibly happen if it wasn't treated immediately. She wondered if it would get infected. She wondered what the side affects could be.

It was only then that her ears tuned in on the sound of faint yelling. Her attention quickly shifted to her right, out the window, and she saw Jennie yelling at someone through her phone. The yelling began to grow increasingly louder as Jennie clearly grew angrier and angrier with the person on the phone.

"Well maybe we should just break up then!" Y/n heard Jennie yell through the phone. And y/n took a moment to take in Jennie's angered appearance as the brunette frustratingly ran a hand through her hair. The smaller girl's eyes seemed glazed over with tears from what y/n could decipher from the distance. Y/n began to nervously chew at her fingernails, feeling the sudden urge to comfort Jennie.

"Fine!" Jennie yelled, slamming her phone down onto her desk after hanging up. Y/n walked over to her window in order to give Jennie consolation but before she could make it to her window, she felt a sudden serge of dizziness. The room seemed to suddenly grow fifty degrees hotter. She slowly edged closer to her bed, lightly put her glasses down onto her bedside table, and collapsed onto her bed.

Comment your thoughts 💕

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