The Seven: A short story

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"Winter of 2124; It had been a hundred years since society fell. Rumours of how it began was unclear. Some people say, it all started from inflations, forcing workers to strike, and addiction reared its ugly head. Others say, greed came like a disease, spreading like wildfire, contaminating nations and then the globe, and society wanted more.Now, rebel factions scattered across the world on a mission to save the future from another hundred years of starvation and ruin. So far, there are seven of them.My name is Gail, and I am one of the seven, sent out to spread the message of new hope, and it'll all start with a single cup of coffee.It hadn't been easy. It took months to accumulate enough beans to ground into a powder. Finding gold dust would have been easier. But after digging through old factories, closed and abandoned and since forgotten, there were finally enough.I clutched the bag close, feeling the notch of the knotted cord with my thumb. With the bag still secure, I took a deep breath and made my way up the steep hill towards the Capital."Gail, are you coming?"I raised my head, watching as my comrade[...]"

Excerpt From
The Seven
Kiera Strange
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