Chapter Three- The Legend of Camp Jasper Wood

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The Legend of Camp Jasper Wood

After dinner, Lawrence built a fire for us outside. I didn't mention the legend to Phineas again. Even though, the legend in question had been eating me alive all night. Deep down, I knew what he would say or I thought I did. I just didn't want to accept what I saw. Because, logically, it doesn't make any sense. Ghost or no ghost, I can't go back to the Jasper Reporter with a ghost story. No one will believe me. I'll be just like Spooky Mulder in X-Files.

After Lawrence and Heidi go to bed, we are left resting by the flames. For a while, we were in comfortable silence. Except for me, all I could think about was Alaina. The stress is building up inside of me and I starting to become obsessed. My chest is tense with uncertainty.

"Phineas?" My voice erupts the sleepiness of the group, "What was that camp legend you were talking about?" The volume in my voice echoes across the lake.

"It was just this ghost story we used to tell around the campfire. It was a way counselors would keep us in our beds after bed check." he stares at the fire, unamused.

"What is the story? I really want to know," I ask, making sure I don't sound too eager.

Phineas straightens up a little, clearing his throat, "Personally, I didn't think ghosts were real until the things I have seen at this camp were left unexplained. But," he continues, "do you ever wonder what that bump in the night is? It's her. She is always around, watching. She doesn't mean no harm, but all she wants is your help," there is an unusual chill in the air now that I didn't feel before.

"Her name is Alaina," The name falls off his tongue, and I feel the goosebumps on my skin start to rise. "Alaina was just like us. She was a counselor here in 1999. That was the last year she was a counselor, and the last year that she ever seen alive. Her disappearance remains unsolved. To this day, no one really knows what happened to Alaina. However, there are moments during the night where you can still hear her calling your name, waiting to be saved."

No one says a word after that. The air remains chilly as if some supernatural force has made the air feel like autumn again.

"What did you mean that you didn't think ghosts were real until you came here? Did you ever see her?" Amelia asks, half-heartedly believing his story. There is a slight smile on her face. The thrill of possibly seeing a ghost is exciting to her.

"It was probably just my imagination playing tricks on me, but there were times when we would go swimming and I thought I saw something or someone. She was standing at the dock. I don't know, but I always thought it was her. It wasn't anyone from camp that year anyways."

"It probably was just the story," Sam tells him, trying to make the story less scary. I don't know if he is trying to make Phineas feel better or himself.

What do you think? Grace? Is that your name? Do you think it was just the story?" Phineas asks me. The rest of the counselors focus their attention on me.

"I don't know. I guess there are things I've seen here already that I just can't explain, and I feel like Phineas might not be so crazy after all," there is more silence after that and this time it feels like a judgment from the others.

"What have you seen?" Zack asks, wondering why he hasn't been included in this.

"I....someone approached me earlier. I thought...well, I don't know who..." I stop, not knowing how to describe it.

"You saw her, didn't you?" Phineas looks at me, for the first time he looks relieved that he isn't going insane.

"I don't know. I don't know if it was a homeless girl or a..." I am not going to allow myself to finish that sentence. Not right now.

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