Extra: Icicleshine's perspective on having a mate

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" You're always mooning over him, Icicleshine!" Splashpool mewed "Well Bladefire is a great cat!" "But you're mooning over him too much Icy!" "Stop calling me Icy, Fish!"   "I am not Fish ICY!" "FISH!" "ICY!" "FISH!"  "You two stop behaving like kits." my sibling- Stormsong was telliung us off !  "SHUT UP CLOUDY MOODY!" me and Splashpool mewed at the same time then we laughed until we couldn't breathe " I'm going to my nest, it's gonna rain soon." I mewed then padded to the warrior's den- A clearing which makes a shallow dip under a tree and guarded by bushes. I share a nest with Bladefire and our nest is next to Splashpool and Stormsong's nests. I tiredly drop on our nest and started to drift away. When I woke relentless rainfall falls outside, while I curled up on our nest again hoping to sleep again. Bladefire gently nudges me awake he mewed" Come on lazy bones we need to hunt." I padded outside with my mate racing past the thorn barrier and nodding to the guard- Flamespirit- who was chasing an orange leaf-fall leaf and he nodded back, embarrassed. I raced outside and sniffed the air. Lapwing! They are rare in leaf-fall and is unusual in MossClan territory. Tracking it's movements, I skilfully scaled the tree and signaled to Bladefire to climb to the branch the lapwing was on to cut off it's escape route. While it was busy pruning it's feathers I leaped and caught it's tail but, it was enough to throw it on the ground. We gracefully leapt down and I gave it the killing bite "We were great!" I mewed "That was all you ." Bladefire meowed back "No you blocked it's path we are a great team." Then I had to tell him "I'm expecting kits!" I burst out, he looks at me, eyes wide. 

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