Fated mate

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Kushi's pov :

I woke up  to the message of Arnav after chatting with him I quickly freshen up and was eating breakfast when I got a call from appa

on call:

kushi: hello appa !! how are you ?

Rudra: how are you kushi??

Kushi: am fine appa how are you and others?

Rudra: am good and others are also good

kushi : had your breakfast?
Rudra: yes Kushi now listen to me
Kushi: yes appa
Rudra: are you ok there ?
Kushi: yes appa am okay
Rudra : you made any friends?
Kushi: yes preetho aman Asr
Rudra: asr?
Kushi: I forgot I met lycan prince
Rudra: lycan prince there
Kushi: yea he is my classmate
Rudra: ohh bye the way Kushi today is full moon
Kushi: yes appa about that I am going to nearby pack with the lycan prince
Rudra: oh are you close with him
Kushi: not like that appa he just wanted to help me settle in I think
Rudra: good prepare everything Kushi who knows by good luck if you can shift today I know I know I say this every year full moon but can't help but to look out for you
Kushi: ok appa I will watch out and will be prepared don't worry
After speaking some more random things we ended the call it's already Noon I just ate my brunch when sifra made her presence known
Sifra : Kushi do eat a lot we need more strength
Kushi: hmm it will be alright right we will be okay na ?
Sifra:it will be alright

I quickly got freshen up when arnav have arrived I got into the car when he asked me about the bags I remembered the gift and quickly got it out and gave him he thanked me and put it in the dashboard at first I felt bad but again I taught am just a mere human in his kingdom he has no obligation he is just taking pity on me I just kept mum for the rest of the ride

we reached the pack and greeted the alpha and luna I gave them the gifts I bought luna took ,e to the courtyard I was taking a look around with her when I felt it I ignored it for the first few times but couldn't anymore I have started squirming in pain and fell to my knees when luna asked me what happened I felt like my bones are breaking out of my skin my body is on fire luna tried to come near to touch but she backed away in shock before even touching me and she was fidgeting with her hand like its burned and I couldn't control anylonger and a screamed escaped my mouth luna ran inside when sifra talked

sifra: just few seconds until your mate arrives

kushi: my mate ??

sifra: and pls give me full control don't hold me back if you hold me it will be more painful okay

kushi: ok

the pain hit me again and I screamed this time way to loud I can hear footsteps my hearing has improved but I couldn't concentrate on them my body is heated up when I smelt it MY MATE??

I felt hands on my shoulders when I saw arnav and that moment I felt peace and I want that peace for life time and sifra took control

when I woke up its already midnight and I was wrapped in a blanket I can feels to arms holding me in a protective way and I am not in the courtyard anymore I can smell lavender and coffee beans 🫘 my favourite and that instant I know it mate I have a mate omg I have my own mate  I have a person who I can call my own my man my own family I wanted to look at his face  when I turned and what I saw shocked me
There was sleeping in the full glory Arnav the lycan prince  I started come out trying not to wake him up but he woke up
Arnav : Kushi are you ok
Kushi : umm (I came out when I realised I am naked under the sheet my eyes widened and saw at his posture and realised I was the only one in the blanket seeing my struggle he said)
Arnav: don't worry 😉 I didn't see anything
Just one thought came into my mind does he want to reject me I am scared really scared gathering my thoughts I asked him
Kushi: umm... do you want to reject me
Arnav: what ???
Kushi :do you want to reject me if you want to I will not make fuss
Arnav: what the hell what are you thinking (he shouted)
Kushi: am week and you are lycan prince and to be king ( without letting me speak )
Arnav : shut up jip your mouth I don't want to reject you you are not week hell with it if you are week also I will not you are my mate my fated mate and rejecting the fated mate is rejecting myself
He hugged me saying this I couldn't control myself and said
Kushi: thank you thank you so much you will not reject me I will have my mate my own family
He just tightened the hug
Arnav: I want to tell you something
Kushi:( still in the hug ) umm
Arnav: your father is a lycan not human
I looked at him in a questioning way 
Arnav : your mother is a wearwolf there is no chance you would be a lycan with a human and wearwolf  child
Kushi : I don't know Arnav I don't know who is my father and don't want to know either
Arnav: it's ok if you want to find him just let me know

Thank you 🙏
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