Chapter 2 Harry

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"I made a friend at school today."

Harry told his mom when she picked him and his brother up from school.  He climbed into his booster seat and buckled the seatbelt

"I saw them mom, it was the same girl that bit him yesterday."

said Ben, his older brother.

Ben was only a year older than him, but he was very protective of Harry. Harry was glad that Ben would always protect him when other kids would pick on him.

He had always been small for his age but other than that he was perfectly fine. His brown wavy locks looked just like his fathers, and he had his mother's emerald, green eyes.

When his mother finally replied she asked

"What's her name?"


"Was she nice to you today?"

"Yeah, we played outside together, and she said that my hair was funny. We stomped on leaves and made fairy dust, but Bailey called us weirdos and she bit her."

Harry's mom looked at him through the mirror and he just shrugged his shoulders a little, giving his mom a neutral look.

Harry's mom knew that other kids tend to make fun of her son, but it never seemed to bother him. She was kind of glad that he had a friend who stuck up for him, even if she had hurt someone else. Maybe those kids' parents should teach them to not be judgy little meatheads, who put others down.

"Did Elizabeth get into trouble?"

"Yeah, she went to the principal's office and was sent home I think."

Harry's mom nodded and drove the rest of the way home in silence. Harry on the other hand talked to Ben about what Elizabeth had said about his hair. Both Harry and Ben had wavy brown hair, but Ben's was a looser wave as with Harry it was almost curly in some places. They both looked like their dad, but Harry had gotten his moms green eyes whereas Ben got his dads brown ones. When they got home, they played in their backyard with their dog, Killer. She was a 3-pound chihuahua they had gotten for Christmas 2 years ago.  Their dad named her Killer because she ran up a tree trying to chase a squirrel. Luckily enough for the squirrel, gravity was on its side and Killer fell down the tree trunk after she had gotten a few feet up. When their dad got home Harry told him all about Elizabeth and what they had done at recess. He left out the part where Bailey made fun of him because he knew it would make his dad angry. His dad was a rational person but when it came to his kids any little detail set him off. Harry's dad's father had left him when he was a little kid and he resented him for it. He vowed to always protect and be there for his kids.

After dinner was over Harry helped his mom with the dishes while Ben and his father took Killer out for a walk. Once they had finished and everyone had settled down, they all sat in the living room to watch a movie before Harry drifted off to sleep leaning into his mother's side. He felt his dad pick him up and take him to his room, tucking him in before he shut the light off and walked out. Harry was excited to see Elizabeth at school tomorrow. He finally had made a friend.

The Next Day

Harry woke up before his mother went into his room to wake him up. He was very excited to see Elizabeth again and wanted to get to know her more. By the time Harry's mom had knocked at Harry's door he was already dressed and was putting his shoes on. He always struggled to tie the laces so he asked his mom for help when she peeked her head in.

"You're up early today"

"I'm just excited to go to school is all."

Harry replied in a shy voice. He had never had a friend before and was ecstatic to see what it was like. He also thought of bringing Elizabeth a small gift but didn't want to ask his mom. When his mom had tied his shoes she kissed his forehead and walked out going over to Ben's room to wake him up.

After everyone was ready for school they got in the car and rode to school in silence. When they got to school, Harry practically jumped out of the car while his mom screamed at him to wait for her to park the car. Harry ran through the double doors that led into the cafeteria where they would wait for Ms. Bee to get them. When he got there he looked around but didn't see Elizabeth

He went and sat in a corner where there were no other kids and sat impatiently waiting to see her come in. When Ms. Bee had finally walked in Elizabeth still hadn't shown up and Harry was starting to get sad but was also worried that she had been kicked out of  school for being a biter.

When they got to their classroom Elizabeth was already there sitting in a desk next to Ms. Bees. She looked up at Harry and smiled, she waved her hand motioning to him over to where she was. When Harry got to where she was sat, she gave Harry a leaf. Ms. Bee told everyone to get in their seats and Harry walked away playing with the leaf Elizabeth had given him.

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