Chapter Fifty Eight

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The next day, we woke up early so we could pack. I had just finished packing everything when Dom walked in

"Are you okay Gabriella?" He asked and I creased my brows in confusion

What's with the sudden question

"Yes why?" I asked

"I just feel like you have alot going on in your head and no one's asked you how you feel about all this. What happened with Emilio and everything, so I ask again, how are you bambina?" He said and held my hands

Am I okay? I don't know if I am. I don't know if I will ever be, with everything going on it's like I'm risking my life everyday

I've barely spent time with my family and people are out to get me. I feel like it would have been better if they weren't in my life, then I'd fight without worries of losing someone

I would be able to fight Viktoria without them worrying about me. No one has ever worried this much about me, not even my mom

She was great yes but there were things she didn't notice. Like Luke for instance

"I'm fine Dom. I just want all this to be over so we can go back to being a family" I replied finally and a smile stretched on his lips

"That's great. Also what do you think about what Emilio said yesterday?" He asked me and I paused

"To be honest I don't know. I haven't forgiven him, the fact is that if Amira wasn't working for Viktoria and if he didn't find out she was using him, he would continue to behave the way he did

I feel like he apologized because he had to. Not that he meant it, all this would have continued if he didn't find out the truth" I said and he nodded his head after some time

"You're right. You don't have to feel pressured to forgive him, I just wanted to know how you feel. Don't change your mind for anyone, you choose when you forgive him okay?" He said with a slight smile and planted a kiss on my forehead

"Now let's go back home" he said and picked up my bag

We went to the living room and saw everyone except Antonio there.

"Where is he? He told us to wake up early and he isn't even here" Stephano complained

"Gabriella please go check" Alessandro said and I made my way to his room

The door was slightly creaked open so I walked inside. He wasn't in the room, I heard water running in the bathroom and I frowned

What's taking him so long?

"Antonio?" I called out but got no answer

"Antonio!" I called out again, this time panicking. Why isn't he answering?

"Antonio open the door!" I screamed as I banged my fists on the bathroom door

"Alessandro!" I called out for help

I was too busy pounding my fists on the door that I didn't realize when Alessandro and the rest rushed into the room

"What's wrong bambina? Where is Antonio?" Ales asked

"I came in here and I heard the water running, I called out to him several times but he didn't answer me. The door is locked" I rushed out while still banging on the door

"You're going to hurt yourself bambina calm down I'll break the door" Domenico said as he held my hands, forcing me to stop my assault on the door

He moved me aside and kicked the door open. We rushed inside to see Antonio asleep with his clothes on in the bathtub

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