Chapter 1 Planet Fire and Ice

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I don't use italics for dyslexic readers. I use bold for time stamps, but nowhere else. 

The Planet Fire and Ice: Under the Dome Castle Grounds:

Prince Blackstone ran from the woman through the servant's door and into the woods.

"Come on, just one little date. I saved you from being locked inside that drafty castle." The curvy woman chased him. Her skin color changed from green to purple. "I need a cute prince."

"Keep away from me, you creeper. How can you chase me down wearing spiked heels?" Blackstone attempted to escape, but he stumbled. His long, blond hair flowed behind him, and the silken strands appeared illuminated by the artificial moonlight.

"Honey, I'm not the only one chasing you."

Prince Alva snatched Blackstone from behind. "Gotcha, pretty boy." His black leather uniform clung to his muscular body.

"Wendy!" Blackstone attempted to tear off the man's wooden mask.

Alva covered Blackstone's mouth with his gloved hand.

"Please, don't slaughter him or maim his pretty face," Queen Izz begged. "He's dreamy."

"Can it, Mother," Prince Alva said.

Queen Izz jumped up and down. Her voice lowered, and her skin turned purple to blue. "How sweet. You finally called me, Mother. Okay, do what you want to him."

Alva dragged the prince away.

Next Night:

A crystal chandelier sparkled like starlight inside the dim tower.

"You answer to me!" Alva stomped on Griffin's leg.

Griffin screamed in pain and transformed into a cat. He batted his former friend with his paws, but they had no effect, and he partially transformed back.

Alva pushed him hard, and Griffin went flying to the gray wall.

He mewed in anguish.

Two dozen of Alva's men surrounded him. Shadows obscured and distorted their masks.

Florence swung from the open window. She grabbed Griffin and used a grappling hook to reach the school building before Alva and his men could reach him.

"This is your fault because your brain is broken." Griffin kicked a child's desk, but it didn't budge.

"What?" she asked. "No one else had a problem with my performance."

"If your brain worked, I would've picked you for the command spot instead of Alva, and he has powers." Griffin fell over a tower of pink blocks.

"You mean Alva had them." Florence squeezed her hand and bit her lip. Rage flickered in her eyes. "No, you chose him over me because he was your special magic buddy. The traitor declared himself the supreme warden of the kingdom's prisons. I warned you that your creepy friend was going to betray us. Tell me why he bailed out my brother twice and kicked me out of prison?"

"Maybe he has a crush on you. Alva has no taste." He leaned against the chalkboard, and colored dust rubbed on his leather jacket.

"I'm done rescuing you." Florence sat on top of the teacher's desk.

"You didn't rescue me." He puffed out his chest.

"Show me that your powers even work, lift four men at once, or put me to sleep with sandman magic. Bet you can't," she said mockingly.

He stiffened, and his hand made a stop sign. "You're still in love with me, and it's pathetic."

"No, I'm not."

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