⨺⃝🐾Two Therians in the Night🍃⃝⃤🐈⨺⃝

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   I laid in bed, simply just.. restless. I was bored. I wanted to do quads. I wanted to feel my tail tap my legs as i ran. i wanted to feel my mask sit on the bridge of my nose. i wanted to feel the soft gloves on my palms. I wanted to lay in the grass, feeling it poke my skin through my shirt. Maybe find some pinecones, and sticks, just to make a pile and be a proud kitten. Maybe make a leaf pile just to play in and ruin. but no. i was stuck here laying in bed beside Liam, supposed to be sleeping...

...or was I?

   I slowly sat up, getting off the bed. I quickly and quietly put on leggings, and a soft hoodie. i clipped my tails to my pants and slid my mask onto my forehead. I grabbed my backpack, stuffing my gloves in as well as some bandaids incase i got hurt. I pulled my water bottle off my desk and stuffed it in as well. I pulled my note book as well as some pins from my school bag, and stood thinking for a second. I opened Liams mini fridge stealing some snacks, and quickly stuffing them in before zipping the bag. I stood up, but rethought and grabbed another water bottle. I quickly slid my shoes on, and grabbed my bag along with the extra water. I quickly tiptoed down the stairs, and out the unlocked door, staying quiet till i reached the edge of the woods..


   I sat outside, staring into the woods. 

   "I havent done quads today" i aloud to no one. I stand up, grabbing my gloves from the inside shelf. It was dark. The sun was set. But i was determined.

   " SEBASTIAN! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOURE GOING?" my mom shouts from the porch. Im about half way across the yard at this point.

   "JUST INTO THE WOODS FOR A LITTLE MAMA!" i yell back. I heard her loudly sigh. She just nodded, shooting me a thumbs up and yelling at me to be careful. I told her i will, and took off towards the street to walk to the nearest woods. 

   "I wish i had grabbed my mask or tail" I say to no one again as i walk. I soon near the woods. wondering around.


little did both therians know, they were less then a mile away from meeting their new bestfriend







A/N sorry sebastians' pov is so short yall

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