8. Valentino

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TW: catcalls, abuse, and classic Valentino behaviour

"I hate this."

So, I told Blitzø about my plan. The contract, how my boss treats his workers... All of it. And clearly he isn't exactly pleased at my ideas.

"I know, I know." I try dismissing him, taking a knife and hiding it inside my jacket, ready to use it any given moment.

"I just don't get it! Why can't you just quit? You're hellborn, you don't have a soul for him to own, so what's keeping you there?" I sigh, my mind running through the list of things I need to tell my boss.

"It's complicated, Blitzø."

"Well tell me about what's complicated and I might be able to help! But not like this, I can't." He says desperately, following me around as I finish getting ready to leave. I turn around slightly, looking at him over my shoulder and giving him an unimpressed look.

"You know I can handle myself."

"I know!! But please- he's abusive, he beats you up, forces you to watch your best friend as he gets r-"

"I think I know how the list goes on but thank you for the reminder, Blitzy." I say sarcastically with an eyeroll, and he groans in annoyance.

"Now there it is again. That's another thing we gotta talk about." I snort at his indignant voice, leaving the room with my friend following close by.

"We really gotta talk about your boyfriend? Didn't take you for the romantic type."

"He- fuck, Jouno, why are you being so difficult?!" He mutters between his teeth, breathing deeply before he continues.
"He's not my boyfriend, you know that."

"Sure thing, loverboy." I shrug, finally getting outside I.M.P's office building, where Loona is smoking, waiting for us while leaning on the wall.

"All done?" She asks, throwing her cig away and stomping on it as she watches an angry Blitzø walk outside the building after me.

"Yep." I say, but my friend grumbles behind me.

"Oh no we're not done yet!" I groan, turning around abruptly so he needs to stop himself quickly so as not to bump into me.

"Yes we are, Blitzø. I need to leave already, we can talk later." He seems to stop at my seriousness, running a hand through his face and trying to remain calm.

"Can I at least drive you there?"

"And get you near the Vee's tower? You don't wanna deal with horny sinners, believe me." I let out a disgusted face, cringing as I remember I'll need to walk through streets full of kinky demons who know my body better than myself.

"It's f-"

"It's not fine, you don't have to deal with that. Besides, I'm used to it. Now let me leave already, fuckhead." I roll my shoulders slightly, trying to brace myself for the long, uncomfortable walk as I ignore the worried glances that are sent my way from the imp and hellhound.

It didn't take long to reach the Vee's District. Funny enough, it took longer to get out of Imp City, as unfamiliar as I am with it after so much time. Once I'm near the Vee's tower, though, I find myself walking the streets on autopilot.

"Oh it's the crippled whore! You up for a fun time tonight, babe?"

Ah, there goes my autopilot. I roll my eyes at the voice calling out to me, not even looking back as I pass by groups of demons, finally noticing the murmurs and snickers that follow me as I walk.

"I'm out of the job right now, but save the money for later, darling." I dismiss, just looking ahead and trying to ground myself as I notice the tower just a few streets over.

COMFORTABLE LIES || Stolas x Blitzø x Original Character (nb)Where stories live. Discover now