Chapter 6: Caught

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Third Person POV

" Yuan-ge!"

" Just tell me what Niang's plan is? Why did he leave?"

Yuan sighed and shook his head.

" I don't know, A-yi.. Niang didn't tell me anything than sending all the Wen Remnants to safety. "

Jingyi's curiosity intensified, as did his longing for answers. "And where are they now? Where did Niang send them?" he probed, eager for more information.

"Ling-chen... that's all I know," Yuan replied, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

"I wish I had more details to offer, but for now, let us rest. It's already 9 o'clock, and we need our rest."

Reluctantly, Jingyi climbed into his own bed, his thoughts consumed by questions about his mother's sudden departure and the reasons why they weren't taken along.

As Yuan closed his eyes, seeking solace in the darkness of the night, he offered a soothing reassurance.

"Stop fretting, A-yi. Niang is only prioritizing our safety. It is precisely why he made the decision not to bring us along."

Jingyi cast a tender glance at his brother, lying peacefully on his own bed, the weight of their shared concern palpable in the air.

"Yuan-ge, why won't our parents reconcile and mend their relationship? Why can't we become a whole family again?" Jingyi spoke softly, the ache in his voice tugging at Yuan's heart.

Yuan remained quiet, his gaze fixed upon the ceiling, deep in thought. Gradually, he opened his eyes, a glimmer of wisdom reflecting within them.

"A-yi, if there is one thing I have learned about our parents, it is that their love is resolute, unyielding." Yuan replied, his voice laced with conviction. "So, do not fret. As long as we are together, as a family, anything is possible. Trust me."

Jingyi's lips curved into a grateful smile, a glimmer of hope shining within his eyes.

"You're right," he murmured softly, a sigh escaping his lips.

"But this disquieting feeling remains, as if something is amiss."

Yuan didn't respond as he himself also felt that.

As the night deepened, XiChen found himself in the land of Ling-chen.

He wandered through the forest, his gaze scanning the surroundings as he headed south.

He won't stop until he sees and brings Wuxian back to him, back to Cloud Recesses.

XiChen then noticed a light coming from somewhere only a distance away from him.

He was about to walk further in that path but he halted, remembering he still needed to handle things.

He can't risk Wuxian's safety after all.

He made a choice, diverting his path and pushing through the dense foliage.

Finally, he arrived in a serene clearing, the stillness echoing in his mind.

Closing his eyes for a moment of respite, his senses heightened to the sound of rustling leaves and approaching footsteps.

XiChen exhaled slowly, his anticipation mingled with apprehension.

He turned around, only to be confronted by a group of Jin disciples, their presence unexpectedly.

A mix of confusion and annoyance painted his face as he questioned their motives.

"Why are you following me?" he inquired, his tone tinged with suspicion.

One of the disciples answered him, " Jin Guangyao told us to follow you and help you locate Wei Wuxian's whereabouts. "

XiChen balled his fist as he scoffed in disbelief. He gave the disciples a glare, " Didn't all of you have been informed that when I'm on a night hunt. I always go alone." XiChen summoned his sword.

" I hate having a companion everywhere I go.."

" I'm sorry, Zewu-jun..but maybe you should deal with it. We're just doing our job, it's  Jin Guangyao's order.." one of the disciples stated as he looked down.

Even though the disciple is feeling unease about the Jade. Suddenly feeling regret for following the Jade here, now.

XiChen chuckled once more, his laughter taking on a sinister tone.

When would they realize the grave error they had made?

In a blink of an eye, XiChen vanished from their midst, leaving the bewildered disciples strewn across the forest floor, their bodies trembling with fear.

A voice broke the silence, a voice filled with disapproval. "You didn't need to resort to such extreme measures."

XiChen turned to face the source of the voice and found Wuxian standing under a towering tree. Closing the distance between them, he walked towards Wuxian with determined steps.

Wuxian scoffed at XiChen's actions and walked away, heading towards the south where the Wen Remnants were seeking refuge.

Panicking, XiChen quickened his pace, his hand reaching out to grab Wuxian's wrist, urging him to halt.

Wuxian glanced at him with a mixture of annoyance and suspicion.

"If anything happens to my family, I will hold you responsible," he retorted coldly, forcefully pulling his wrist away from XiChen's grasp before continuing on his way to the Manor.

Desperation filled XiChen's voice as he pleaded with Wuxian. "Or you could listen to my explanation and come back home with me, to Cloud Recesses."

A flicker of disbelief crossed Wuxian's face as he scoffed at XiChen's suggestion.

"Why would I do that, XiChen? I'm not naïve enough to blindly follow you without considering the consequences of your deal with Young Master Jin," he declared, his eyes filled with disappointment and hurt.

" You betrayed me!" he spat, his words dripping with anguish and bitterness.

The tears welled up in Wuxian's eyes, but he fought to push them back, refusing to let his vulnerability show. His gaze was filled with an intensity that could not be ignored.

"You can say and believe what you want, Weiying," XiChen murmured, his voice tinged with a deep sadness.

"But trust me when I say that I am doing this for you. It's for your own good."

"For my own good? Don't play games with me," Wuxian retorted, his disbelief evident as he turned his gaze away from XiChen, shaking his head in frustration.

"Weiying," he called out, his voice filled with desperation.

"XiChen, I know you hated me," Wuxian replied, his voice filled with a mix of pain and remorse.

"But those people... they have nothing to do with us. They are innocent. You only need me, right? Spare them."

Then suddenly a brash and unfamiliar voice shattered the tense atmosphere. "Well, well, well... Who do we have here?"

XiChen's eyes darted towards the source of the voice, only to find Jin Guangyao standing there, accompanied by a group of Jin disciples.

Jin Guangyao walked confidently towards them, a smirk playing on his lips.

Wuxian glared at Jin Guangyao, his voice dripping with contempt. "You're not welcome here..."

Jin Guangyao smiled mockingly at him.

"So, you finally decide to show yourself..after putting us in such hardships."

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