Chapter 16: The Beginning of the End

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I woke before the sun rose and listened to the birds chirping with the weight of Kearo's arm on my stomach. It had kept me asleep soundly for the first time since I'd arrived in this dream world, and the tight grip of his fingers on mine told me he was awake before me again. I was starting to wonder if he slept at all.

"Good morning," I said as I turned to find his eyes half open and staring at my shoulder.

With an arm under his face, Kearo lay on his side with his body pressed to mine through the blankets, and he didn't answer. I glance around to find everyone still sleeping, and I dared to ask the question that had been gnawing on me.

"In the cave," I started, but Kearo still didn't respond. I swallowed the lump in my throat to spell it out. "Did you..."

"Yes," Kearo whispered into my neck, and I wasn't sure if his breath or his answer heated my face more. "I'm sorry. That was unkind of me, but I didn't think I'd get another moment like that." Kearo lifted his top half off the ground enough that he could look into my eyes. "I just wanted to know what it felt like." A blush colored Kearo's cheeks as he smiled timidly.

"Here I thought you'd have women hanging off your arms in the real world." I joined him in sitting up but kept the covers tucked to my neck. "I know we both got busy with work and hadn't seen each other in a while, but I always thought you had someone."

"Just you." Kearo's gaze sank into the grass. "Always you," he whispered the last, and Lexington stirring had Kearo standing before anyone kicked him in the back.

I wanted to say more, but Ray whining in agony like he'd rolled over and taken a twig to the eye pulled my attention. I wandered closer to find him crouched next to Sven's snout, and when I leaned, he moved just a bit like he was hiding something.

"Ray?" I touched his shoulder, and he flinched.

"H-hey Heidi," he stuttered, and that set off warning bells in my head. Ray was concentrated confidence with a dash of smug superiority, and as he fell onto his behind in the dew-laden grass, I knew something was wrong.

"What is it?" I nudged him with my foot, and when he was silent, Sven lifted his snout and near squish him to the ground.

"Okay, okay," Ray growled as he slipped out from under Sven. "My rolls just could have been better." With a wave of his hand he raised his dice, and I grimaced from so many single digits.

"Well one of them is an 18. That's pretty high, right? And you have a 14 here."

Ray chuckled mirthlessly. "The 18 is in Dexterity and the 14 is Constitution," he said with a sigh that had his shoulders sinking. "I got a 3 in Charisma, a 6 in Luck, and..." Ray couldn't say the last one. The 2 was his Strength. "I'll be fast as a cheetah, but about as physically useless as one."

"Well, we can always wait it out and try another day—"

"We can't wait," Ray cut me off as he wobbled to his feet. "Mei knows we're here by now, and who knows what sway she has over the rolls that direct my life. There won't be a better time." Ray clenched his hands and shifted his shoulders, the weight of his broadsword straining them. "We do as planned and enter the cave as the sun hits the horizon."

"Does anyone want breakfast?" Faella crawled over with a yawn and a platter of pastries, but no one could stomach food. "Bunch of grumps this morning," Faella huffed. "Let's go save the world then." Determination swirled in her teal eyes. She accepted Lexington's hand and he carried her across the field to where he'd likely take his last breath.

We slipped into the rocks, and I was amazed Sven made it through as a dragon, but apparently they were good at maneuvering through the narrow tunnels of their lairs. Kearo and I walked through last, and Violet rose to greet us with her unbraided hair fluttering behind her.

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