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It was the very next day when Tobias came through on his promise and she was moved to new quarters.

'Much better,' Prisha said, following the two men inside.

They helped situate her very few possessions, including Alf's nutrient box as Prisha looked around. It was more than twice the size of her last room—and it was an actual room, not a medical bay. No shelves or medical supplies. No call button. This time she really did see the cameras, though. Prisha tried to hide her grimace. Was that Tobias's strategy? More comfortable room but less privacy?

There was enough space to have a small living area with her own couch and television. And there was a window. Three windows, in fact, looking right down into the park two flights up. She pressed her hands against the glass. She could almost forgive Tobias for the camera. It was all so bright and welcoming. The men left, the door shutting heavily behind them. The click of the lock echoed around the room, and then she was alone again.

Later that evening—and now she could see that it was actually evening—Embry returned. Prisha noticed that he was alone again. No mystery man standing in the corner. Her eyes darted to the camera. Embry gave a very faint nod. In followed Lucy after him, pushing a trolley. The doctor's forehead screwed up in a way which suggested he didn't want her there.

'I'll need you to get onto the bed, Prisha, for your usual assessment,' he said.

Prisha got up from the couch and lay down onto her pillows. Embry pulled up a chair, sitting beside her as he felt her tummy. He asked the usual questions about how she felt and if there were any concerns. Her only concern was his formality and Lucy's unwanted figure standing by the bed.

The nurse handed over a measuring tape and Embry wrapped it around her abdomen. Lucy was watching closely as she wrote down the results on a notepad.

'Bigger than last time,' Prisha said.

'Considerably,' Embry acknowledged. His forehead was deeply furrowed. 'For only a few days.'

'But we knew it was growing quickly.'

True. But ... you've grown quicker than I predicted ...'

Prisha waited.

' ... which means the foetus is growing at an increasing rate. It's not the same. It's not slowing down. It's not plateauing.'

Prisha's voice was a croak. 'Do you think it's dangerous?'

'I really have no idea, Prisha.'

'What do we do?'

'All we can do is monitor you more closely. The closer the time comes we might even have to monitor you continuously.' He looked at Lucy. 'We must take daily bloods now.'

Prisha groaned. 'Really?'

'You could die, Prisha.'

Prisha looked down at her belly with a frown. 'Alf wouldn't hurt me.'

The doctor looked doubtful. Then he looked over at Alf's box. 'I wonder if they're safe. I wonder if they're hastening it's growth.'

'Or they're keeping me alive.'

'They'll run out soon. There's only several days worth left.

Prisha's tummy swam. 'You don't think I'll deliver—'

'—no. It won't happen so quickly. You're not big enough.'

'But if it's growing increasingly fast.'

'Not that fast.' But his face screwed up with worry. 'Lucy, I want more blood tonight.' He touched Prisha's hand. 'Make sure to contact myself or Lucy if you have any concerns. At any time. Night or day.'

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