viii. the wrath of the scorned

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viii. the wrath of the scorned

the fifth night

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"HELL HAS NO FURY LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED," her mother had once said, but Saskia had never quite understood. Not until now that she desperately wanted—no, needed—to win a man's heart.

If he has any.

For there was only one safe way out of the convent and only one person who held Katinka's fate in their hand—Prince Silvan von Winterthal.

Before the snow melts, you will crawl into the jaw of a wolf...

When Prince Silvan entered the convent, however, he graced Saskia with the utmost disregard a man like him could only have for someone who deeply offended him. And an offense it must have been to see his advances met with cold rejection.

"Your Highness," Saskia whispered softly with a little courtesy, giving him the loveliest expression she could manage as she lifted the white veil from her head traditionally wreathed in winter rose.

After all, one of the feast's appeals was to gaze upon what otherwise stayed hidden.

But his eyes rested on Sister Franka who with a—truly enamored—smile greeted him. "May I accompany you to your seat, Fürst?"

While part of Saskia couldn't have been happier that he did not dare approach her again, the one that made decisions felt the opposite.

They streamed into the dining hall, but Saskia did not accompany them. Her heart pounded fast, thinking about what she was about to do.

Only Mother Gesa, who was immune to the charms of princes, their power, and wealth, noticed Saskia's hesitation and turned back to her.

"Aren't you coming, daughter?"

"I'll wait here."

Seeing the doubt lining Gesa's forehead, Saskia quickly added, "To welcome our last guest. Prince Anyan von Jakona wants to attend our feast as well."

"What a seldom joy to have such an honorable pilgrim with us today," she said, slightly relieved.

"You know him?" Saskia asked, voice and eyes a little too prying. Those dove-blue eyes of yours can hold no secret, her father had teased her as a child once. Never had she hoped so much for him to be wrong with that.

A frown chased the ease from Gesa's face again. "I do. He's a hunter. For the first time, he came here last winter to bring us rich offerings and left shortly after. Why is that of interest to you?"

Saskia shrugged. "I just found it strange. No one else would visit this place during the Nights of Smoke."

Mother Gesa seemed to accept this answer. However, not enough to not let a warning follow. "Let your sister's fate be a lesson to you that the dark you seem to fancy is dangerous."

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