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"What the hell are you doing here! Kid! Run away from here!"

Woman screamed as she was trapped under rubble of burnt down house
Feeling heavy pressure of rubbles on her chest and arm as she was breathing heavily.

Entire Town was blazing with fire, all the wooden houses was burnt down to ashes and the suffocating smoke engulfed entire sky as 100 metre Titan Dragon stomped the ground merciless crushing humans on its path, his purple scale is as strong as steel and his red eye burned with passion as if he is enjoying burning everything down

The kid whose appearance looks like 13 year old,approached the trapped woman without a single fear in his eye


she screamed with last ounce of her breath as she was on verge of losing consciousness

"Well you gave me that delicious apple"

Kid smiled as he raised his index finger

His index finger glowed shiny blue and instantly the rubble disappeared around the woman disappeared and somehow she recovered her health back

She remained speechless and tried to regain back her composition from the shock


Titan Dragon Stomped on the kid merciless  but quickly retracts it back as it felt a pain

Kid stood there without moving single muscle and looks towards Titan Dragon with expressionless face

Titan Dragon felt his blood oozing out of his feet

"What the hell are you?"

Dragon roared, releasing gust of wind from his mouth

The wind instantly got cancelled out just by the kid's normal breath and the fire on town was extinguished

The Titan Dragon stumbled back

"You burnt down the kind lady's bakery shop!" The kid said in anger tone

"Is that all its about?" The dragon was surprised and his breath has quicken as his body is screaming danger signal

"I will not let you destroy anything anymore!"

The kid angrily picks up nearby small pebble.

"Please don't let universe get destroyed again please don't let universe get destroyed again"

the kid chanted and whispered it softly while closing his eye momentarily

The dragon was still speechless as he knew he wasn't ordinary human as soon as he stepped on it which felt like immovable rock and how he stopped the gust of wind simply by breathing

"Kid what are you doing? I surrender!"

Every tiny movement of kid was threatening to dragon as his body was screaming to run away but he was frozen and not knowing what to do

The kid threw the pebble in normal speed and instantly disappeared in thin air as soon as he released the pebble from his hand


Dragon is now more confused.

"Oh yippee atleast i didn't destroyed the universe hehehee"

Kid smiled.

Dragon turned around and was extremely stunned, shocked and breathless as he saw the moon split in half and the Smokey sky was cleared away just by the speed

Dragon couldn't think anything as his fear took control of him, he was speechless and his mouth remained wide open, his leg felt wobbly and his heart felt like it would come out of his chest

"I guess I have to fix back the moon"

Kid raised his index finger and debris returned back and sticking back to moon although it looks visibly deformed

Dragon couldn't process what he saw, he immediately collapsed on its knee and fainted with loud Thud

"Collapsed already? Fine by me, I am so happy I finally didn't destroyed universe hehehe"

Kid chuckled

Slowly townfolks was coming out confused.
Townfolks was dressed in medival style and was whispering among themselves and then bows down to the feet.

"Oh you don't have to guys  hehehe"

Then the kid suddenly felt something

"Oh those toy people finally arrived that was quick"

He talked  himself  and then looked towards the lady who he just recently saved

"Adios and I will come back for meal hehehee"

Kid waved and disappeared in thin air as his body vanished in Swift transition

Couple of moments later, Spaceship appeared in thin air like it simply popped out without any warning,

Spaceship looked too advance and beyond the comprehension for anyone, it was yellow and triangular shape and looked like fighter Jet but too much modern, it didn't had that jet engine either, the size of Spaceship was around 10 metre

Spaceship released the wave that quickly spread across everywhere like water droplet dropped on surface of still water.

It literally scanned everything then disappeared

Meanwhile inside the Spaceship,

"That stupid Idiot! He almost destroyed the universe again!"

The mysterious voice banged the table

And was holding the destroyed pebble that kid threw

"If that idiot had applied more energy he would have destroyed the entire universe almost splitting down the Quark"

The voice was  angry and then added

"Eeeesh! This pebble travelled atleast 16 multiverse before reaching towards me, we will definitely put end to this"

He clenched his fist

Hologram pops out revealing blue sphere with complex writing and labelled "UL228H15M789U" then shows uploading screen.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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