Part Seven: "Global News"

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(A.N. this is after bonnie healed from her scars, and St. Agatha is a country near America so they both speak English!! there's not much of a difference between St. Agatha and the USA.)

The murder attempt on Bonnie Ahlgren made headlines, media, articles, news services, and on-line books. People at Red Valley High (Bonnie's school) would talk nonstop about how she almost died. Others at her school would spread rumors saying that it was an ancient god that was awakened by none other than Princess Bonnie, but killed it with her long, light blue sword made out of diamonds. (which is not true.) People at her school looked up to Bonnie (mainly her bully) as their god. Bonnie's favorite thing to say in reply was: "Did you know that Bonnie doesn't seem to like any of you back?" , and they would usually respond back by either insulting her or just telling her to shut up. Bonnie was the laughing stock of nearly the whole school, and was therefore deemed an outcast. Bonnie walked from class to class, and nearly every time she walked down the hallway, things were thrown at her, or she was either catcalled by the jocks in her school.

Maxxine's Diary

(this will be important later on)
"My therapist told me to journal down how I'm feeling in this stupid journal, so here I am. I'm starting to notice weird changes in my behavior. One minute I'll be crying my eyes out, wanting it all to end, and the other, I'll be laying in bed, listening to music. I wish I knew what the cause of it was, but I've never actually gotten a full answer. Reminds me of that time when I punched Bradford, the school jock, in the nose after he catcalled me. It wasn't exactly that long ago when it happened, but I very vividly remember the ground shaking a little when it happened. I am not exactly too sure if that was my "curse" that activated the rumbling, or if it was just a slight earthquake and it was just entirely a coincidence. I'm pretty sure that I mastered my powers fully, it's just sometimes it can get out of hand and make thinks break or explode, and I can do nothing to stop it. I was asked in an interview recently and the interviewee asked me, "In a conference with your mother, she said that sometimes it looks like ice, fire, and hallucinations of you just appear out of nowhere. She jokingly asked if you were the one behind it." I admit it. Sometimes I do. I'll admit that before I could move things, I had other supernatural powers, too. Recently, I did my research and found what they were called.

Remote viewing: Seeing things happen in real time when you're not physically there.
Telepathy: Send messages through one's mind.
Electrokinesis: Controlling electricity.
Aerokinesis: Controlling air.
Flower Manipulation: Controlling flowers.
Halluciokinesis: Controlling hallucinations.
Technokinesis: Controlling electronic devices.
Hydrokinesis: Controlling water.
Pyrokinesis: Controlling fire.
Telekinesis: Moving objects with one's mind.

It's a long list, and I wish it wasn't. Taking care of all of these curses is slowly killing me mentally. Yet, some can be very useful at times. Like that one time when I escaped the laboratory by shoving dandelions in their mouths and ears. Oh, how I hated that place. It was never fun. They ran tests on me, and made my powers stronger, which is the opposite of what I actually want. That place sickened me. They ran tests on little boys and girls like me, but what really was their powers used for? Exactly. Those bastards didn't have a correct answer on why they took them away from their precious homes. It's not like something so serious was gonna happen that the government had to steal children and run tests on them. It wasn't very nice when I got home, either. A couple of days after I ran away and returned home, somebody had tried to kidnap me. I bit their arm very deeply, and then got so scared that my curse pushed him away. It has still scarred me till this very day. I can't believe someone as sick as the kidnapper would try to take a child, who is recovering after being taken from their home, and try to take them once again, traumatizing them twice! But still, that's what happens when you're the princess or a celebrity. The government takes you and someone tries to kidnap ya."

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