Chapter 3

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Me, Valt, and Kit were walking to the dorm area. "This is where we'll be living from now on." Valt said. "Well for now." You said as Kit Showed you all around.

"The best part about this is we can battle anytime we want." Valt said. "Yeah doesnt get any better then that." You said as you were in the gym now. "Me, (____), and Honcho are in group B, if we can prove ourselves them we can make ourselves a spot in group A with Free. Me, (____), and Honcho in the main team, while Kits in juniors, I can't wait for this journey!" Valt said as you all went back to the dorms in one room. "I have to sleep with you three." You said as you sighed and sweat dropped at there excitement for the journey ahead.


The alarm clocked went off as Kit woke up. Valt and Rantoro were snoring loudly while you were snoring softly with the covers over you. Kit screamed individually into Valt and Rantoros ears but make sure not to wake you up.

Kit went to you a nudged. "(____) Rise and shine." Kit said calmly as you woke up. "Huh, oh good morning Kit, mornin Valt, Mornin Rantoro." You said. "Common guys we need to go, breakfast is ready!" Kit said.

Y'all were now in the cafeteria waiting in line to get your food. "Morning lady. The grub looks delicio" Valt said. "Wow the food smells nice." Rantoro said. "Excuse me miss may I have more please." You had hurriedly as you were hungry as heck. "Sure thing and thank you boys. Since wee like family here why don't we use each others names. My name is Ange." Ange said as she gave you more food.

"Alright, morning Ange." Valt said. "Well would you look at that, if feels like were already so much closer-" she got cut off my Kit yawning like a cow. "Hey! Close your mouth while you yawn Kit, you might catch a fly in you mouth." Ange said as she scolded Kit. "My bad, I keep forgetting." Kit apologized. You, Valt, and Rantoro sat down as you downed your food while the others saw Trad and Kris enter the room.

"Good morning team, hope you slept well." Kris said. "Morning Kris, Morning Trad." Everyone said beside you since you were still in the middle of eating.

"Time here to inform you that sunbat united has challenged us to a friendly match." Kris said as everyone started to talk amongst themselves. "Uh, guys what's a sunbat?" Valt asked.

"Sunbat United is the hottest team around, I heard there recruiting hot talent." The blued haird older girl said. "There is no reason to decline there offer, this will prove ourselves." Valt and Rantoro was about to blert out but you smacked them and whispered. "Shut it!" They didn't speak.

"I hope you do your best, and get ready for this, and I believe you'll win this." Kris finished. "The battle with be held ten days from now, try outs will be held to see who will be selected on the team." Trad said.

"What more try outs?" You said as Valt sighed. "Team b can attend the try outs. You have to prove yourself against Free." Trad said as everyone gapsed in shock and talked amoungst themselves once again well besides your table group.

"Why of all people do we have to prove ourselves to him." A boy in a brown hat says. "No one's unbeatable, he might be the top blader but I still plan to win." A boy with black ball like hair says (not mineta.)

"Make sure you do your best. If you win you might be promoted to top team, just try your best in the stadium." Trad said.

"I'm all in, Ill show free who's top dog." You said as Valt and Rantoro nodded. "Of course we'll show that were good." Valt said.


Everyone is now in the gymnasium as everyone was waiting for Free. "Where's Free!" Valt said as he was looking around. You were standing by your self as some of the boys were staring at you.

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