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     All Aang could see was white as he directed Appa to land at Hakoda's base. Fear, worry and rage wreaked havoc on his mind. His vision caused him to go into panic mode, willingly abandoning his crucial lesson in order to get back to Ba Sing Se. Even Guru Pathik's warning wasn't enough to keep Aang at bay, he needed to make sure his vision didn't come to fruition.

     His sister, his own flesh and blood, was in an immensely precarious situation and the outcome wasn't looking very bright. Typically, Aang didn't need to worry about Rein when it came to protecting herself but after what he witnessed during his vision, it was blatantly obvious his sister was in dire need of help. He tried to remain hopeful that his foresight gave him the upper hand in the eminent upcoming battle.

     Sokka apprehensively approached Aang and Appa, not sure where he and his friend stood after their last conversation. It didn't take long for Sokka to sense the tension. "You're back soon. Everything go well?"

     "Rein and Katara are in trouble." Aang spoke, his voice laced with urgency.  

     Sokka's heart started racing immediately, "What? In trouble how? With who?"

     "We don't have time for this, Sokka! Get your stuff, say goodbye, and get on!" Aang ordered, sending a gust of air at the teen to get him moving quicker. Within minutes the two were in the sky on their way back to the city.

     "In trouble how?!" Sokka reiterated his question from earlier, too impatient to wait any longer.

     Aang inhaled a wavering breath, "I had a vision. Katara and Rein are being held captive under Ba Sing Se."

     Allowing a moment for the newfound information to sink in, Sokka continued rattling off questions. "Who took them?"

     "Azula." Aang replied venomously. The Princess bestowed chaos upon him over the past few months, tiring him beyond belief. He was growing to despise Azula, fearing she would always be the villain in his story. "She's going to kill Rein, I saw it."

     As if Sokka's heart wasn't already erratic enough, it plunged into his stomach at Aang's statement. Nausea overcame him, his hearing and vision cutting out. Sokka and Rein weren't on good terms by any means but the thought of her death made him sick. "What about Katara?! She'll be okay? Why are you taking so long to answer, Aang?! Does this thing fly any faster?!" Sokka screamed, rattling Appa's saddle aggressively.

     "Sokka chill out!" Aang matched his volume, face turning red from the forced exertion. "She was holding me when Rein died, but that's not to say she isn't also suffering down there with her—hey, is that Toph?"

     Sokka heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing his sister will leave Azula's captivity alive. Then his mind traveled back to the reason he was even asking that question—Kai. Her death was on the horizon and the reoccurring harrowing image tied his stomach in knots. Nevertheless, he lazily peered over the bison to verify that Toph was indeed earth surfing her way back to Ba Sing Se.

     "Need a ride?" Sokka called, startling Toph right off her earth mound. The two boys cringed at her fall, sucking in breaths of air as if feeling her pain as well. Sokka hoisted Toph onto the saddle and the three jumped into conversation instantly. Toph informing them that she was kidnapped and Aang filling her in on the upcoming course of events, they were all running on adrenaline highs.

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