chapter 2

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I have always been into sports. My mom tells me that from the moment I could walk and move, I've never stopped. I just can't stop moving that's why I  tend to run for the majority of my free time. But I also have a passion for teaching. I'm now in my late 20s but I don't know if you can count 26 as late. I'm a professor at NYU, I teach Greek mythology. It is truly a fascinating subject that has always had my attention.

There is a myth that I will give my life to fine out more of. Three stars, souls that are the salvation of one another. That together they are unstable and can achieve anything. Granted it is far too romantic and very unlikely to be a possibility for not only two people to be soulmates but three to be made for each other in every life time.

Anyways I'm getting to carried away. My name is

"Watch out!!!!"

And just like that I'm meet with the most deep brown eyes I could have see. It's like time stopped and all I can see is her. Her feature are like porcelain and with detail of a Greek statue. Her hair as a dark night.

"HI, could we get up now?, I believe people are starting to get annoyed with us for blocking their path"

"OH, sure sorry about that, let me help you up"

With one swift motion I was on my feet. I then reached my hand out too help the beautiful woman of the ground. She briefly lost her balance once she realized that her hill was broken. Due to my distracted mind I did not see her walking out the building.

"I'm so sorry, I broke your hill when I ran into you"

She was looking up at me with an amused expression. Her hand still in mind I could feel a sort of electric sensation that helped me relax and think of a solution.

"It's honestly okay,  I was planning on getting new hills anyway. No harm done...., sorry what is your name"

We stopped silent for a moment before I realized that she was asking for my name. I was just so mesmerized by her.

"Yes sorry, my name is Matthew, but you can call me Matt. And what is the name of the gorgeous woman infront of my that I have problebly ruined her day"-Matt

She was looking at me, when the most adorable blush appeared and she let out a very amused laugh. I was genuinely surprised of her reaction. Any woman would be upset that her hill was broken or there clothes now dirty. But she looked too be unboderd. Finding the situation as any other.

"My name is Renata and you have not ruined my day, you  have made it better"-Renata

"And how is that?"-Matt

"Well a handsome man crashes into me, apologized and complement me. Wouldn't you think that is amusing and ironic if you thought this exact situation would be funny after not only five minutes ago another person bumped in to you and did the exact same thing"-Renata

"I'd say that it dose sounds funny but now I have competition with making it up too you"-Matt

" I now have two men that own me something,  I think today is my lucky day, talking about two men here comes the other at fault"-Renata

"Sorry I took too long I had to take a quick business call Renata"-Jon

"It's okay, Jonathan meet Matthew, Matthew meet Jonathan"-Renata

"HI nice to meet you, how do you know Renata?"-Jon

We both reached out to shake hands, when I feel the same electric feeling I felt with Renata.

"I guess we both decided to crash if not run into her today"-Matt

He also begins to laugh at the situation while I hold a grin.

"I guess we both owe her, would ether of you be free to grab something at the coffee shop around the corner"-Jon

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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