Chapter 7: Meeting of Minds and Hearts

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"Hello, I'm Akimitsu Hiroshi. I believe we crossed paths yesterday at the bookstore," Akimitsu said with a warm smile, his eyes bright with recognition. Yumi couldn't shake off the feeling that she knew him from somewhere, but she pushed it aside, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue as she responded politely.

"Yes, indeed," she replied, her voice soft but steady.

"And your name? Can I know more about you?" Akimitsu inquired, his curiosity piqued as he leaned in slightly, his expression earnest.

"I am Yumi Tanaka, a final-year student," Yumi replied, her words measured but tinged with a hint of curiosity of her own.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yumi. I happen to be a former student at your university. I've come to gather some information for important research," Akimitsu explained, his tone congenial as he extended his hand in greeting.

Yumi nodded, returning his handshake with a smile. "Ah, I see. It's always interesting to participate in research, isn't it? What kind of information are you gathering?"

Akimitsu chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Well, we're looking into various facets," he explained, his tone animated. "From academic challenges to campus resources, extracurricular activities to mental health support systems. Essentially, we want to paint a comprehensive picture of what it means to be a student here and how we can enhance their journey. I'm hoping to gain insights that could potentially benefit the student community as a whole."

Yumi's interest was piqued. "That sounds like a worthwhile endeavor. I'd be happy to assist you in any way I can."

"Thank you, Yumi. Your willingness to help is greatly appreciated," Akimitsu replied warmly, a sense of gratitude evident in his tone.

Yumi couldn't get the impression that Akimitsu was strangely familiar as they discussed the study and other university-related things. However, she couldn't recall where she had seen him previously.

Before long, their conversation shifted to more lighthearted subjects, and they found themselves laughing over shared interests and amusing anecdotes. Time seemed to fly by as they talked, and Yumi realized with a start that they had been conversing for hours.

As they exchanged contact information, Akimitsu's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. "Perhaps we could continue this discussion over coffee sometime? It would be lovely to get to know you better, Yumi."

Yumi's heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. "I would like that very much, Akimitsu."

With a final smile and a promise to be in touch soon, they bid each other farewell, each feeling a sense of anticipation for the new chapter that lay ahead.

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