Chapter 16

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Brielle didn't remember moving from the living area to the bedroom, but she wagered that Preston had done it. The man had been handsy ever since the breakup.

Which was why it startled her that he was nowhere to be found when she woke up.

Boy had been clingy since the moment she met him, and yet he left her passed out in his bed and didn't try to cuddle? Seemed suspicious to Brielle. Or, maybe, she had been hoping for a little cuddling action.

Good God, woman, are you insane? Pull yourself together! Cuddles were nice, but they were not sell-your-soul-to-the-sexy-shifter nice.

Although he had been relatively nice to her the entire time. And he had saved her life. So she had to give him some points toward the angel side instead of the devil side. Her prejudice probably came from his forcing her into doing this and not giving her a choice in the matter.

As if he heard her complaint and felt the need to justify himself, the front door opened and closed.

Brielle threw the covers over her head, since getting out of bed last time had ended badly. She wasn't insane. She knew how to change her tactics.

These new tactics didn't work any better.

Preston's weight settled on the side of the bed, effectively trapping Brielle under the blanket. She could have thought that through, but her brain hadn't been awake. His fingers tucked around the top of the comforter and tugged until the cool air swiped over Brielle's entire face.

Thankfully, she had the wherewithal to close her eyes before he pulled the blankets away.

"You're not sleeping," Preston intoned, as if he knew everything.

Of course, he was correct, but he didn't have to point it out. Couldn't he just play along? For a little bit?

Fine. She would roll with the punches.

Brielle peeked one eye open. "How did you know?"

"That isn't your sleeping face." Preston's fingers lifted to touch her cheek, then smoothed a piece of hair from her face.

How was she supposed to resist that? Preston had this magnetism that made Brielle want to get closer and closer and closer, even if it burned her. Which was totally against her personality, but gosh dang it if he wasn't a fine specimen of a man.

Brielle put up her shields, because she was going to need them if she wanted to remain calm. "Where were you?"

"Out." Preston's lips rolled into a grim line, then softened again. "I brought you something."

"That's vague and mysterious."

Preston laughed. "Come on, sit up."

Since childhood, Brielle had been a sucker for surprises. Gifts of any kind, really. Offer her a gift, and you were basically guaranteed to get your name in her Book of People Brielle Liked. Apparently she hadn't grown out of that.

Brielle wiggled her way to a sitting position, positive that her hair was a mess and she probably had crusties in her eyes. But she didn't care so much because... gifts.

From behind his back, Preston produced the most stunning bouquet of wispy flowers and settled it in Brielle's lap. Seriously. They looked like a fairytale. Brielle's heart melted into a puddle and her body wasn't far behind.

"These are for me?" Brielle questioned, though she knew the answer.

"They're a thank you. And an apology."

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