#11 Monster

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Sweet and soft like the aftertaste of bananas.
You look eye-catchingly beautiful even in your pajamas.
If you were a star, I'd use my telescope to look at you every night.
Sweetly and silently whispering, professing, but can you read my mind?

If so, I'll serenade you love songs that I have kept hidden in my heart.
Elephants are huge, but my love for you is bigger than the heart of a dragon.
It's more precious than any diamond you can put a price on,
any guitar you can play your songs on,
and any enchantment you can get to find your true love.

You'll come back right to my silhouette, searching for where I am gone.
If you can't find me, then maybe I already went up in the clouds.
Farther than the oceans, your voice shaking as it echoes through this canyon
Where you scream out your unprofessed love that you never thought
was possible to begin with, I believe you were just lost
in a reverie where you wanted perfection, but I don't want you to settle for less.

I feel bicycle kicks right up my stomach, when I realize I am just a backup.
A candle that has only just lit up because you have lost all your other options.
So, I cascade down this waterfall and drown in my sorrows.
I put up a distance, and act like I am the monster.


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