2.First Day

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Beni was forcefully awoken by Uta the only way she knew how, a wake-shroom. Technically speaking, wake-shrooms were illegal for the general public to have, but they were used in the medical field to keep surgeons awake during longer surgeries. Due to their familial connections, the cousins had easy access to a wake-shroom farm. Beni's body shot up and her eyes flashed red, she looked around in a panic until she saw her cousin giggling.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Uta finished the wake-shroom she had started to feed to her cousin. "I know you don't like to rely on these, but it's really difficult to wake you up. You said you wanted to go to classes today, you need to get to the teachers lounge first so you can get your schedule." Beni nodded and forced herself to get up.

Now that Beni was rooming with Uta, Uta didn't need to go to the cafeteria for her every meal. Beni loves to cook, cooking and baking are a type of science after all. They had stopped by a store the day before for supplies. Beni made banana pancakes, with vanilla vodka infused tea. Their family had problems. Filling her flask and water bottle with the aforementioned vodka. Beni changed into her school issued uniform, something she doubted anyone actually wore, considering that her cousin wasn't wearing it.  She grabbed the remainder of her things and let here cousin drag her off to the teachers lounge.

Opening the door to the teachers lounge, all eyes were on the two girls. Glancing around the room, Beni saw a few familiar faces, the woman considered to be the most beautiful, her uncle's husband and his business partner, as well as her other uncle. The other uncle stopped his complaining when he saw his nieces.

"Holy shit-" His jaw dropped and immediately the upper half of his body flew towards you. "Beni, I can't believe you fucking transferred here. You need to get out before these hooligans corrupt you." As he said the word 'hooligans' he pointed to a specific red head. "You're the only good one in the family."

"Come on, Uncle Bug, it's Beni's first day, don't try to scare her off. Anyways, we're here to see dad, Beni needs to pick up her schedule." Uta tried to grab her cousin's arm but failed. She turned and saw that her cousin had moved, more specifically she moved in the direction of Shanks. "Beni?"

Beni walked towards her favorite uncle, who seemed happy to have her attention, only for her to shatter his heart. She reached out her arm, making Shanks think she was going in for a hug, only for her to reach into his shirt pocket and steal his flask. Whatever he had in there was stronger than her vanilla vodka. She emptied the flask into her mouth before returning it.

"Christ, Beni, the fuck happened this early in the day for you to down that shit?" Buggy stared at his niece in disbelief, Our family has a fucking problem. It was too soon after Beni woke up for her to talk, so she pointed towards her cousin. At first Shanks and Buggy didn't understand but it clicked soon enough.

"Uta, you need to be more careful, you know how Beni reacts to those." Shanks shook his head. "Oh well, nothing we can do now. Head to class, Beni and I will be there soon. Try to make sure everyone is actually in their seats." Uta nodded and left for the classroom. Shanks put his flask on his desk and pulled out a bottle to refill it.

"Shanks, should you really be doing that in front of a student? Shouldn't we reprimand her instead?" The two in question, turned their heads simultaneously to face Moria, neither of them said anything. They just stared. Unnerved, he decided to turn away and ignore it. "Freaks."

"Anyways, so when we get to the classroom, I'm going to go in first, and then I'll call you in and you can introduce yourself. We have assigned seats, but no one actually sits in their seats, most tend to gravitate towards the back of the room." He took a swig from the bottle before offering it to Beni, she accepted it, "No one really sits in the front, but knowing you, you'll probably like it there- Shit Beni! Don't fucking drink the whole bottle. This stuff is stronger than what you drink. If you start your first day drunk off your ass, your mother will kill me." Beni only gave him a thumbs up before continuing to drink. They chose to ignore the stares they were getting, the only one who didn't mind was Mihawk, though that's only because he was used to this. But he still cared for her health.

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