Chapter 18:Push your luck

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Tw for mentions of cults and brief death

Father drove me over to Sal's parents house, reminding me of the plan. Everytime he mentions hurting Sal my stomach drops lower and lower into my feet. I push my long hair back into a bun, trying to seem sophisticated. I knock, with Father next to me. Henry answers the door, smiling like always.

"Come on in! It's great to see you again Travis, I'm glad Sal's making some connections." Before I could speak he continued. "He's going to need someone by his side more than just Todd or Larry, with how the divorce is going. It's been super messy, Ash has the money for the best lawyer around, and with the abuse being a woman against a man..." He paused sighing at the ground,"I'm afraid they won't believe him." I glance at Father, who clearly doesn't give a shit about what's happening, but is hiding it well.

"I'm sure your son will be okay, may we see him? If he's still here of course." Henry called for Sal, a familiar masked face turner the corner to look at us. His eyes squinted, showing his smile. I smiled back, trying my best to hide the devastation. I have to hurt him, and there's no escape out of it. I sat on the couch timidly, with Sal following behind. He fiddled with his hair awkwardly as we sat in silence.

"Where did you go? I tried calling but you wouldn't answer." "Church volunteer work, I'm trying to fix my relationship with my dad." I lied through my teeth. "Oh." He sighed, making a brief noise through the mask. "I heard about Ash." I paused to look him deeply in his eyes, letting myself go doe eyed. "I c-can help, my dad knows people." I tried to ignore myself shaking. His eyes brightened. "A-Are you sure? Ash makes a lot of money, can you r-really help?" He spoke fast and began to twitch his fingers. "My dad knows some higher up people, they'll do anything to help out a family friend." He did the squinty smile again. I smiled back, making sure to put my full face into it.

"This means the world to me Trav, I don't know how I could thank you." "Come to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, my dad is always ready more new members!" My smile turned sheepish immediately. "I'd be happy to, but maybe we could try going out for dinner tonight." He giggled a little while he said it. I thought back to that day that we got...tangled up. It was great in the moment, but I craved him so much more than that. I want to be loved by him, to be with him in general. "That sounds lovely, what about 7:30?" "That's okay, I'll have enough time to spend with Todd then." "Whose Todd?"

He rubbed the back of his neck before answering. "An old highschool friend, I plan to move in with him and his boyfriend soon. He's super into science and cool shit." "Can I meet him?" "Sure let me ask if you can come over." He pulled out his phone and texted who I presumed to be Todd. A ding later and we got ready to leave. "DAD I'M HEADING TO TODD'S, AND I WON'T BE HOME FOR DINNER!" He was answered with a yell back. "OKAY JUST MAKE SURE TO LOCK THE DOOR!" Sal flicked the lock and then closed the door. "Uh my dad drove me here, is Todd close by?" "Yeah just down the road!" 'Down the road' was an understatement. It was multiple roads.

Finally, we made it to Todd's place. Sal didn't bother knocking, rushing in to see everyone. I saw a tall, dad built red headed man with a faint stubble, playing with a baby. I instantly recognized him. I had seen him around the apartments before. When he was a teen anyway. He fixed his glasses and looked up at me with intrigue. "Travis Phelps? The homeschool kid?" I looked shyly at the ground. "Yeahhhh." I looked at the baby again. "You and your boyfriend have a kid?" "No this is Maple's, her name is Soda." I reached out and gently rubbed Soda's head, she giggled back.

Before the interaction got too awkward, Sal came back in the room, with a tall man with dreadlocks. He was drinking coffee, and laughing with Sal. Even though his voice was a little bit suffocated from the mask, I loved his laugh. Something about it pulled at my heartstrings the right way. "Todd! Have you found any new stuff about the video we watched?" "No I think we'd have to get someone on the Inside, or maybe a camera." They all began to stare at me. "Are we sure about talking about this, with him here?" "Maybe he can help-" "No he's devoted to that place, he would never help. He's probably apart of it."

I began to shake mildly, nervous about what they are talking about. "What's going on?" Sal and Todd glanced at each other and looked back at me. "Don't take it personally, but we have reason to believe your church is actually a cult." My jaw went slack and my heart stopped. How could they know? Nobody knew. I just learned about recently, how the hell could they know? Maybe if they think I'm helping I can get closer to Sal, to finish my goal. "I know.." I swallowed all of the stress in my throat and spoke again. "They're planning something big, and I can help. I can be the inside man. I know everything." They looked shocked but relieved. "This is a big thing, what if you get caught?" "I won't, Father wouldn't suspect it." They smiled at me and began to explain their plan.

"So we are trying to get enough information to stop this from happening, whatever they're planning can't be good. What do you have about what they're trying to do?" "They're planning to make a final sacrifice of the child of abomination, Sal." He looked wide eyed. "Me?!" "He's trying to kill you, whatever you do, stay near the church. He won't make a kill close to home." I once again lied through my teeth. "You guys need to surround the church the night it happens, they won't be able to understand whats going on, and especially won't be expecting any of you." I watched their faces light up and write everything down. I knew damn well that they wouldn't survive it. Not alone anyways.

If I make it seem like I'm helping them, then I'll be able to convince Father to let me change our plans. In a way I'm playing for both sides. I'll change the plans to Father, so he'll ruin his chance of bringing the Devourers of God into a worldwide power. I refuse to let it happen, but unless I can manipulate everyone to listen to me, I can't stop it. I really have to make myself trustworthy. I have two choices though. Save the world, and kill Sal. Or let the cult win and save my precious lover. After we were done planning, I went home and got ready for me and Sal's date. I arrived at his house just in time, he walked out as soon as I texted him. And God he looked beautiful. He was wearing these black dress pants with a nice blue button up that compliments his eyes. I felt underdressed entirely.

I opened the car door for him, and shut it nicely behind him. We drove to this small diner that was known for it's interior. I held his hand tightly and made sure to be polite and lead him in. We were seated at a both and given some drinks. "I'm really glad you agreed to come out, Trav. I know we moved a littl fast, but we should start this small and normal." It broke my heart that he wants us to have it like a normal couple, when we're anything but normal. "I'm glad you came out too, it's nice here." We both ordered some soup with sandwiches. Sal stared down, upsettingly. I realized he'd have to remove his mask to eat, and the diner was full. I requested the check and payed, taking out food outside. "Travis what are you doing?" "We're having an outside picnic, somewhere secluded." I brought the food into the car and we drove into a park.

We sat down at a picnic table near this swing set and Sal seemed much happier, being able to eat in peace. The night was filled with laughter. We were already back in the car and I was driving him home before he decided that he didn't want the night to end."Travis, tonight was lovely, but do you really have to go? Maybe I could stay with you tonight?" I began to breathe heavily. I knew damn well what would happen, and I can't let it. I can't get too attached. Not to him. "I really can't tonight, maybe some other time?" "Okay.." He took of his mask and kissed me, passionately. He let go and put it back on. "I love you Travis." "I love you too, Sal."

As soon as he left I sped home. I was exhausted, and flopped on my bed. My phone buzzed. It was Father. I quickly straightened up anc cleared my throat. "Yes sir?" "How did it go?" "Father they know about us, but I'm leading them in the wrong direction, they're starting to trust me." "What are they planning?" I paused thinking over my decisions. Having Sal won't matter if we're in a world that doesn't exist. I have to save everyone else. "They're going to infiltrate it the night of the Induction. They plan to go all in at once and murder us. They're using guns, sir. Focus on the main room, you'll catch them all there. I'll bring the child of abomination through the back, and we'll kill him then." My throat tightened. "I'm proud of you son, for finally helping out with your duties, you're going to be a great host for him." "For who?" "You know who, just get rest tonight." He hung up. I was confused but too tired to focus on it. I fell asleep quickly.

I hugged Sal tightly and held his hair, while tears streaker my face. His blood poured into my clothes, staining them. I screamed out for help as I pulled the knife out of him. I sobbed into his neck as he spoke quietly. "Why.."

I woke up in a cold sweat, still in my clothes from the date.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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