Quiz Time: Is My Character Attractive Enough?

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It's been a while since we have done a quiz! For some reason, the quizzes are more popular than the actual chapters with writing advice. Maybe I should quit Wattpad and become famous on Buzzfeed or something. They always make fun quizzes. 

Anyways! This chapter will contain a quiz! Similar to the previous quiz chapters, keep track of your answers. At the end, there will be a scale that tells you how to work out your final score and your final judgement. 

On we go! 

1. What colour are your character's eyes? 

a) Blue.

b) Green.

c) Hazel.

d) Brown. 

e) Black like the murky depths of hell.

f) A really unique colour, like lapis lazuli with a lavender swirl or cotton candy pink with speckles of cinnabar red. 

2. Describe your character's cheekbones. 

a) Defined and high. Yummy. 

b) Cute and chubby!

c) Um.... normal? 

d) Can't really see their cheekbones, because they're always hiding their face... mysterious.

e) It's got some magical quirk to it. Like unicorn horns jutting out of each side. Or dragon wings. 

f) None of the above. 

3. How tall is your character? 

a) 6'6+ft / 200+cm

b) 6'0ft - 6'5ft / 182.9cm - 195cm

c) 5'6ft - 5'11ft / 167.7cm - 180.3cm

d) 5'0ft - 5'5ft / 152.4cm - 165.1cm 

e) Less than 4'11ft / Less than 150cm

f) None of the above. Somehow. How? Is your character just constantly changing heights? 

4. How would your character's friends describe them? 

a) Beautiful. 

b) Sexy. 

c) Okay. 

d) What friends? 

e)  ...At least their personality is nice! 

f) None of the above. 

5. Describe the hair for me. Select the best option.

a) Long and wavy waves like... ocean waves?

b) Long and oily. 

c) Short and pointy. 

d) Super colourful!

e) They have a fringe. That absolutely does not suit their face.  

f) None of the above.

6. Does your character think they're beautiful? 

a) Yeah! They know it! They literally get people to bow down to them.

b) No. Everyone tells them they're super pretty... they were asked out like 294 times in the past hour, but how can they possibly believe they are worthy? Especially after their heart was shattered by their dark past...

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