Chapter: 1

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The ancestral home of Sivakumar and Mahalakshmi was the busiest place in the village today. The big modern house behind it was cleaned and arranged already by Kamala who had been helping Mahalakshmi for the past 17 years. The huge pendulum struck 11 am alerting the women busily cooking a feast for the celebration. They were working while happily chitchatting together. The whole family was busy in arranging for the welcome of their elder daughter and her family. But this time they were not waiting for their daughter's arrival; they wanted to shower their love to their most loved grandkid.

Sivakumar was silently watching everything as usual while Mahalakshmi was the main cook. She was instructing her sisters-in-law and their daughters appointing each one of them on assigned works. They were proud of this woman who in her mid 70s managed to care her family and neighbours with utmost love. She was known for her kindness and helping mind in the village. Her fame and pride multiplied when their 3 children achieved high in academics and got settled successfully. People in the village and neighbouring towns loved this well established family for their humbleness and service to public.

The cooking works were finally over when it reached 1.30pm. The car horn was heard in low decibels and Muthukumar, youngest brother Sivakumar rushed to the front gate followed by Sivakumar. The car opened and Krishnakumar got down with his wife Binni. They were hugged by Sivakumar and Muthukumar. Rakesh got down immediately from driver seat and ran to hug them.

Sivakumar was smiling widely to meet his most respectful and humble grandson after 3 months. He frowned suddenly asking "where's small madam?" simultaneously Muthu asked "where's our thangakutty?" Rakesh laughed "as usual sleeps as soon as she gets into the car and wakes up only when we reach. Wake up your dearest thangakutty." Muthukumar rushed to back seat and Binni was already waking up her daughter. She slowly opened her eyes pouting and smiled widely as soon as she saw Muthu in front of her. He gave a long kiss in her forehead shedding happy tears and she reciprocated the same.

She got down immediately and gave a side hug to Sivakumar with the happiest smile one could wear. Of course she was her grandpa's favorite. By that time Muthu's wife Selvi and others came and engulfed their thangakutty in tight hugs showering her with words full of love. She was overwhelmed with their love and it felt so emotional. Binni was the happiest to witness everything.

She entered the ancestral home and there sitting was their great granny who was in her 90s. She rushed to granny and bent to her height and cupped her cheeks giving her a feathery forehead kiss. "aachi, you can identify me right. tell me who's here to see you" her granny smiled showing her intricate wrinkles in the face mumbling "Sivaangi pillai, how would i ever not know my kid. my darling" Sivaangi chuckled happily and hugged her granny. The family went aww seeing their butterfly spreading joy around the house as soon as she arrived.

Mahalakshmi entered the hall from kitchen hearing the sound. She was in all tears to meet her daughter's family after 3 months. Sivaangi ran and hugged her. Mahalakshmi was clutching onto her shoulders and crying. "I am so proud of you my thangakutty. You have made your parents proud. I told you not to worry. I knew you were going to top the exam. My kutty doctor is here. My thanga pulla. My 2 grandkids have made my heart so warm. what more do my children need than living the happiness I once lived... seeing the success of their kids. we are blessed to have you all 9. my grandkids are all golds" Mahalakshmi kissed Sivaangi on her forehead, shoulders and hands. She was so emotional and Sivaangi was no less. Mahalakshmi then hugged her beloved daughter Binni and cried for few more minutes. she was praising her grandchildren all the while.

Sivaangi was going through emotions she had never experienced before. She was the happiest today she thought. All her hard works and sacrifices felt worthy finally. She wished to shout out to the world how much she had yearned for this moment in her life. Happy tears of her family; pride in parents eyes; content heart. It all felt surreal. She was getting goosebumps when Sivaangi realized she was living her dream come true moment.

While the whole family was exchanging hugs and kisses, Sivaangi composed herself and searched the other hero of the day, her first friend and cousin Arjun who had also cracked the exam and got selected for medical faculty. Arjun was being hugged and congratulated by her parents and brother. She was so happy for him. Sivaangi kept looking at him with number of emotion and Arjun felt her gaze after being released by her parents.

When their eyes met they reflected the same emotions. 'WE MADE IT' was the two hearts' beat and not 'Lub-Dub' anymore. Arjun smiled and Sivaangi mouthed a 'congratulations'. He nodded his head with a smile showing a 'you awesome' with his hand pointing her first and then a super sign. Sivaangi chuckled at her crazy cousin's expressions who doesn't miss a chance to tease her.

He scored 21st rank in the district. Students were awarded university courses based on their ranks in the advanced level exam which was the final government exam at the end of school life in grade 13. Binni moved to her husband's native city 7 years back in order to let Krishnakumar live in his natives during the last few years of his mom. Sivaangi and Rakesh, her one and only brother continued their studies there. Rakesh was in Peradeniya university doing his 2nd year of MBBS now, probably the same university which Arjun will get in 3 or 4 months. Sivaangi topped with merit passes and will be awarded Colombo university which was the highest in ranks for MBBS. Peradeniya was in 3rd place rank wise for MBBS.

Their family was a family of doctors and it was not new for them but still they celebrated it as their first victory. this time also it was double happiness. 2 years back the elder 2 grandsons of Sivakumar and Mahalakshmi, Rakesh and his cousin entered the same university. The family was on cloud nine. The history repeated and the siblings of the 2 boys had got selected now.

Arjun's father Lakshmikanthan is the first younger brother of Binni while Ramkumar was her 2nd brother. these were the 3 kids of Sivakumar and Mahalakshmi. Binni is a dental surgeon married to Krishnakumar who was also a doctor and her batchmate, working as the head of a government hospital. They have 2 kids Rakesh and Sivaangi who were known to be the best of all 9 cousins. 

Lakshmikanthan is 3 years younger than binni, who chose commerce in his advanced levels and topped, now working as an accountant. he lives in the village as his wife professor Vanathi is also from the same village. they have 4 kids.

Ramkumar's wife Anusha is from another part of the country and she is also a doctor like Ramkumar himself. They are blessed with 3 children. This was the happy family god gifted Sivakumar and Mahalakshmi with.

They all talked for sometimes inquiring about each other's health and wellbeing. lunch was ready and Mahalakshmi asked all to be seated for lunch but Binni refused saying they would wait for her brother and sister in law with the 2 younger sisters of Arjun who were yet to return from school. 

When they finally arrived Sivaangi rushed and threw herself on her aunt/athai who was her favorite. Vanathi kissed Sivaangi all over her face saying sweet words. Arjun was glaring at his mother for not even sparing a glance at him. others giggled seeing this duo's atrocities. Priya, arjun's first sister who was 15 also shared hugs with Sivaangi's family while a cute little munchkin was fuming in anger with her hands on her hip. She couldn't take it anymore and shouted "butterbread...." which attracted the whole family's attention towards her. Sivaangi realized and did her iconic thiruttu muzhi with a pout. She shouted "kilometer" suddenly and scooped Monika in her arms and placed kisses on her face mumbling sorry until she started giggling. The family was admiring them with smiles plastered on their faces.

they all sat for lunch and had the magnificent feast prepared by the the wonderful ladies of the family with all their love. it was all favorites of Arjun and Sivaangi today. Sivakumar and Mahalakshmi felt content seeing all together after 3 months. their lunch ended with endless jokes of Lakshmikanthan and happy chats between the cousins. they missed their other 3 cousins who would reach tomorrow and arjun's elder brother who will be here anytime soon. Sivaangi missed him, her best friend a bit more, Ashwin...

please bear with this introductive chapter and continue further to get into the story 

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I hope I don't disappoint you, I guarantee to spread motivation and positivity 

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