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"LEXIII!!" My friend, Katie, screams. She just got home from college for the summer, she's on year older than me.
"Where's Maddox?" I ask. Maddox is my older brother by two years, Katie and Maddox are dating and go to the same college. Well, I'm pretty sure they're still dating.
Katie shrugs. "He told me-"
"If it isn't my bratty little sister." Maddox comes up with his and Katie's suitcases.
"Maddieee!" I screech and run to him. He drops the suitcases and spins me around. Maddie is the nickname I gave him when we were younger. Maddox and I have always been super close.
He stops spinning and puts me down as he kisses my forehead.
"Missed you, Lex. How's it going?"
From the airport all the way to the house, (we made Katie drive) I tell Maddie everything. From when he left after Christmas break, to the party and not remembering, to a few days ago... Maddox is more interested in the more recent stuff and just like Mom he laughs his ass off when I tell him about my missing panties.
"So, hold on. Your underwear is most likely still at this random rich boy's house?" Well, when he puts it that way.
I laugh, "Appears so."
I hug Maddox. "I've missed you, Maddie."
"I've missed you too, Lexi." He hugs me back.
I look up front to see Katie watching us through the rearview mirror. She's smiling. I think she's in love with Maddie.
I'm personally glad that I befriended Katie, otherwise she'd never meet my amazing brother and hit it off so well.
Once we get home I help Katie and Maddie unload their suitcases and take it to their room.
"Katie!!" Mom yells with excitement, she's definitely missed Katie. We all did.
Maddox watches and chuckles, then leads me with their things into their room.
"I've gotta talk to you." He whispers and shuts the door.
I flop down on his bed and he sits next to me, reaching in his pocket.
I know what that is.
I grin wider than I thought I could.
"I think I'm going to ask Katie to marry me... Tomorrow, at dinner."
"MADDIE! That's amazing!!" I screech. He smiles.
"I'm glad you approve." He sighs a sigh of relief.
"How could I not? You guys are the cutest thing!" I hug Maddie and he hugs me back.
"I love you, Lexi."
"I love you too, Maddie. You're the best big brother." I pull back and smile.
"I'm your only big brother." He quirks a brow.
"Which only makes you more special." My smile grows wider.
Gosh, I've smiled so much today, my jaw hurts.


"Soo," Katie starts as I'm getting ready to go to a party. Well, more, a club. I just turned 18 so.
"So?" I ask.
"Any certain someone catching your eyes?"
Katie gives me a weird look then hands me the blunt she's been hogging.
"Finally! I thought you weren't going to hand it to me for a minute." I laugh, breathing in the smoke, careful not to choke on it.
I take another hit then hand it back to Katie, who just puts it out.
"Well, if I knew you were going to do that, I would've hit it a third time." I giggle.
"Oookay." Katie says, laughing and walking out. "I'm gonna go seduce your brother."
I fake gag. "You're so gross!" I look out my door to see Katie giving me the bird before laughing and walking into Maddie's room.
I hope she says yes to him. She'd be an amazing sister-in-law. I smile to myself.
An hour later, I'm at a club, by myself unfortunately, but still having a shit ton of fun.
I've meet a few girls and guys. I'm dancing with them at the moment.
I'm actually grinding against this guy, Aiden, he's cute.
Aiden wraps his arms around my waist, rocking with me to the beat of the music and gets very, very close to my ear. "Let's get out of here." He says. I turn around, smile and nod.
The guy drives me to his place, a small, one bedroom apartment. As soon as we get in, Aiden shuts and locks his door. His lips immediately finding mine.
He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his wait while he cups my ass and takes me to his bedroom.
He lays me on the bed and rips my clothes off. Wow, he's not a teasing type, like how Jackson was. He's more like a "get shit done" type.
He puts on a condom at lightning speed and slides inside me.
Aiden fucks me hard and fast and it feels amazing but I can't help but wish he were Jackson.
Jackson feels so much better. Jackson is much, much better in bed as well. From the one time I remember at least.
Aiden comes and gets out of me. I didn't even get to come, so that's a little disappointing.

"So, Alexis, could I get your number?" Aiden asks.
How do I turn him down without being rude. Ah, idea.
"Yeah! Sure, it's 456-78-.... Oh shit, I'm sorry, my brother is calling me. Hello? Ohh, okay yeah. Wait, she died? Oh.." I look down and fake cry.
"My dog just uh, died. I have to go." I apologize to Aiden.
"I'm sorry, yeah, go ahead. Hope to see you around." He smiles sympathetically.
I get dressed and walk out. I could barely keep a straight face while getting dressed, now I'm exploding with laughter.
I really can't believe he fell for it.
I have to call Jackson and tell him. He'd crack up at this.
"Hello?" Shit, I think i woke him up.
"Shit, we're you sleeping?"
"I was but not anymore. What is it you need?" He asks and I can hear him yawn over the phone.
"So, I just fucked this guy and it ended terribly right?"
I go on to tell him about what happened less than ten minutes ago.
By the time I'm finished, he's snoring.
Well, that's nice. I'll tell him tomorrow.

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