Chapter 12

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Ranjeet looked to me, and I looked him, and I just left her hand like I am doing something as if I'm selling drugs.

He asked me, "We should spend more time."

I replied with a smile, "Yes."

It was so difficult to spend time with Ranjeet.

Chipsy asked me.

"Geeta, I know the best place for pizza? Let's go there. They can spend time alone."

"O kay," Geet looked at me and then at Chipsy. I was helpless. My dad decided this, I can't denied everything. Chipsy left me and Ranjeet at the famous Raj Mandir cinema. It was so beautiful. I cannot express things in words. Blue and orange lighting made it so royal. It's like some Sanjay Leela Bhanshali movie set.

Ranjeet asked, "What kind of person do you like?"

"Anyone except you."

"Why are you so angry with me? I am so nice to you."

"Are you?"

"I love you. Imagine I am loving you."

"Yes, hell no! You are loving me. So, worst."

"Can't we talk politely? Like other couples?"

"We are?"

"Okay, I'll tell you what kind of girl I like."

"I don't want to listen. The movie will start soon. We better not talk."

Ranjeet is still smiling. "I like a soft and intelligent girl who doesn't care about others, who loves her dreams, who has the courage to fight, who has a fit body."

"It sounds like Chipsy. Why don't you marry him?"

"What?" Ranjeet suddenly feels shocked.

"Yes! Are you into guys?" I said again.

"I don't know. I think I am just too honest with him. He also has a different vibe."

"A vibe? Are you really into him?"

"No, really! But..." He is sweating, as if he's scared to tell me, then he starts saying, "I never saw your pic on the phone. I saw him. He was playing cricket on his laptop and eating. He was smiling, wearing red shorts and a sky-blue hoodie. I thought you could be just like him, and I said 'Yes, you Baba!' My grandpa."

"You ready to marry me? Just looking at him? Fuck, you are complicated too. If you like him, then go and tell him. Why the fuck are you marrying me?"

"Baba thinks it's good for business, so I do what Baba likes."

"I do respect your Baba. Do you feel that Baba is right?" I asked him politely.

"He's always right. My dad used to say that and he left us all alone. He ran for his love. My mom and I feel that Dad was so selfish, but Baba gave me love and care. I do think he's always right."

"You think? Sure, I know you're a jerk."

"Don't say that. I'm not. I know I'm a little different, but seriously."

"You think that I am lower than you. Women should think like this. You always say things that make my blood start boiling."

"Baba taught me all this. I think he is right. Although Jay, your Chipsy, always tells me to just be myself. I like when he fought for himself and then became an engineer."

"You think that? You are lying, right?" The movie started. I am leaving the place and started going in.

"I do think Baba is not right always."

I stopped.

"You think what?"

"Yes, I know it's cruel to say it, but I am tired of trying to be like him. I want to be like me. My version of Ranjeet. I do like guns, although I also like strawberries. So, you know, I drink too much, but I do like pizza. I hate my mustache, but I do like..."

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