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LONG CHAPTER AHEADDD - Hope you enjoy x

Victoria's POV

The moment that Leclerc sat down on the sofa was the moment that I was wondering whether he heard what I had said to Lando. I wouldn't put it past him considering he was approximately 10cm
behind Lando as I ranted shit related to him.

I have a feeling this media conference may feel a tiny bit awkward now.

"Lewis Hamilton, how do you feel about winning the race after Max's sudden DNF after a mechanical failure?", the journalist asked looking towards Lewis' face with a smile.

The sight of Lewis' smile made me feel a bit more comfortable as he answered the question, "Well, I mean we can all say that today's race was far from what everyone expected. Considering that this is Max's first DNF since 2021, it isn't something he should be ashamed of at all. I mean, he holds the record for the most consecutive wins in Formula One history, if he's made to feel ashamed then I don't think any driver should be proud to win one race at all. Especially as it was the fault of his engine and not due to skill error. However, I also believe that I performed well, and that I deserved that win. Anyone who has brain cells can gather that Formula One is about the balance of luck and skill."

He's not wrong there.

The journalist nodded and wrote down some notes as he sat down. "Victoria Riley, what are your thoughts on what happened with you and Lando, and what did you make of Charles' unusual reaction?" The confusion on my face was clear as my eyebrows scrunched together.
"Erm, well, accidents happen in racing. Did Lando intentionally crash into me? No, so I don't blame him for what happened and neither should anyone else. I would answer your other question but I don't know what you mean by it." I stated as I looked over to Leclerc, who's Adam's apple moved upwards and who was looking into the distance, purposefully not meeting my eyes. Lando interrupted with his eyes squinting towards the journalist, "I don't see what's unusual about a driver showing concern to their team mate, a reaction that every driver on this grid would have if any other person had an accident in any race".

From what I gathered, Leclerc was asking around if I was okay when I crashed. I was slightly surprised considering he doesn't seem the type to care, anymore, but I guess we had our history of friendship. Was this journalist trying to find out if there's something between Leclerc and I? I'm also slightly offended about why this was a question that had to be asked, as was he expecting no one to care about me crashing? Bit cheeky if I don't say so myself.

The journalist cowered slightly back to his seat as another journalist asked Lando a question. "Lando can we get your general views on this race?". Lando smiled and nodded.
"Well I think everyone would be shocked if I said that this was the best race I ever had, cause clearly it wasn't", he laughed whilst he nervously touched his hair. I giggled at him, to which in my peripheral vision I see Leclerc constantly looking over to me.
"I am embarrassed with my performance today, especially as I crashed into Victoria and caused her to ruin her race. It did scare me momentarily, as in a fast-paced environment like on the race track, the thoughts of another driver being injured is scary". Leclerc's eyes were burning into my cheeks aggressively.
"Other than that, I was very shocked at Max's DNF and I was very impressed with Lewis' performance on the track, he very much deserved that win... other than me of course." Lewis smiled and laughed with Lando as he heard what he had to say.

The motion of another journalist captured Leclerc's attention, "Charles, we all sense some tension between you and Lando and of course you and Victoria, why is that?"

That was a very risky question to ask.

I swallowed my saliva out of nerves but a part of me was intrigued to find out what he would say.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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