ELEVEN - who else is gonna know me?

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"It's one of the best Grand Prix's ever," Chiara spoke as we both got out of the car, our badges on our necks as we walked through security.

"So I've heard," I yawned, covering my mouth in the process.

I didn't get much sleep last night, due to Chiaras harsh typing and the crunching of two sour cream and onion chips.

"Last year I watched it on a boat, it was nice but, I like the paddock more to be fair," she shrugged as she looked my way, stopping and grabbing my arm. "Why are you so slow?" She began pulling me alongside her.

I yawned again, "maybe because someone kept me up all night with the hammering of the keyboard."

Chiara rolled her eyes, "please, you can literally sleep on a construction site and not complain."

I groaned as we walked towards the paddocks, everyone seemingly already there. I mean, it was 30 minutes before the first practice.

"Ooh there's George Russell, just gonna chat with him real quick," chiara said as she patted my arm, leaving me by myself. In the middle of the paddock areas.

I turned around, trying to look for the bright red building, unaware of the fact that it was actually right infront of me.

Get it together Vivian.

I walked inside of the paddock, my badge at bay.

I was minding my own business 'til I got a pat on my shoulder, turning around immediately.

The relatively young looking man gave me a smile, "you must be Vivian."

I furrowed my brows, he was wearing a Ferrari suit, he had brunette hair and was extremely tall, he also had a British accent.

"I'm Oliver," he smiled, handing his hand out so I could shake it.

I shook his hand and gave him a smile, "nice to meet you Oliver."

"You too," he started, "are you looking for Arthur? I think he's outside?" He began pointing to the direction in which Arthur was in.

I shook my head, "No, just wanted to come inside," I laughed, causing him to smile again.

"You're shorter than I expected," he added randomly, making me tilt my head with a smile.

"Oh?" I said, "I mean I'm average? 5'5 is a good height, no?"

Oliver sheepishly smiled. "Guess I'm just tall then." He laughed, making me laugh aswell.

"Vivian!" I heard the o' so familiar, annoying voice from behind me, causing me to turn around.

"Arthur!" I looked at him as he made his way to Oliver and I.

Arthur gave Oliver a 'bro hug', he then flicked his finger on the side of my head, earning a flinch from me.

I then slapped the back of his exposed neck, causing Arthur to shriek on contact. "Don't do that!" He silently whispered as people began to look over.

"Karma," I replied with a shrug, a smile on my face. Oliver also smiling.

"You guys fight like siblings."

"Pfft," arthur grabbed me and Oliver's back, guiding us to, what I assume is the Ferrari garage.

"Where's charles?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Preparing for the practice?" Arthur said as if it was an obvious answer. I mean it kind of was but, he could be somewhere else.

ꜰᴏʀᴛɴɪɢʜᴛ - Charles Leclerc Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant