20. bella's funeral

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chapter twenty

bella's funeral

bella's funeral

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A LOT HAD HAPPENED SINCE THE VAMPIRE ATTACKED DAISY. Aro had gone through every guard's thoughts to find out if there were any other traitors but wasn't able to find anything. The vampire's name was Santiago and they had no idea what he wanted with Daisy or where he was about to take her. Caius' wrath at the moment had been so deep that he hadn't even thought about questioning him before ending him.

In the aftermath of the attack, Daisy found herself on edge, her senses heightened and her nerves frayed. Every unexpected noise sent a jolt of fear coursing through her veins, causing her to flinch involuntarily at the slightest sound.

She tried to shake off the lingering sense of dread, but the memory of the vampire's assault lingered like a shadow, casting a pall over her usual composure. Even in the safety of the castle, surrounded by the familiar faces of her protectors, she couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that now haunted her every step.

The attack wasn't her only worry. It was three weeks after Edward and Bella's wedding and she hadn't heard a word from them. And she was sure she wouldn't until she got a call from her father. She stared at the phone screen for a moment before answering. 

"Hey," she responded as she packed her school bag. Since the vampire tried to take her, she had been in lockdown, Caius being too worried to let her outside the castle but things were calming down, and she was finally able to return to her lessons.

"Hey, honey," he said. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Just heading to class," she turned her phone to see the time to see it was almost eight am which meant it was about two am at Fork. "Why are you awake at this time?"

"Um, Charlie asked me to call you. He is worried," Daisy almost dropped her bag to the floor after hearing these words, knowing straight away that this call was about Bella. "Have you heard anything about Bella? Apparently, she got sick on their honeymoon and Charlie hasn't heard much from her."

"Oh," she said. So this is how they were going to do it? Say that Bella got sick and eased people to the news. "Um, I haven't heard anything from her since the wedding but I could try to call her," she suggested.

"That would be great. Charlie has tried to get info from the Cullens but they aren't really responding to his messages, giving him vague answers," Henry explained.

"I can give Charlie a call if I hear anything from her," she said and tried not to burst into tears.

"Thanks," Henry sighed. "I hope she is alright and it's nothing serious."

"Yeah me too."

The silence surrounding Bella's disappearance weighed heavily on Daisy's mind as the days stretched into weeks. "Why did she have to rush into it like this?" she muttered to herself, frustration creeping into her voice.

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