Chapter 13

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Queen Bethany took us to the South Wing, quite possibly the furthest place in the castle from the courtyard we could have gone. Her royal guard walked soundlessly behind us, despite their heavy metal armour. This wing was mostly populated by servants as they came to and fro from the kitchen, laundromat, and lavatories on the lower floors. We went to the upper floors, using another windy staircase which Raiden loved climbing.

The closer we grew to our destination, Queen Bethany's excitement bristled in the air around her. Her smile was almost childlike in its giddy elatement. No longer was she my queen, with a look so endearing, but an acquaintance, maybe even a friend.

She could barely contain herself when we came to a large door. It was locked and bolted with a thick, heavy chain across it, ensuring no escape or entry. I wasn't sure if I should match her excitement or be nervous.

One of her guards went to open the lock while she faced me, as if sensing my apprehension. "You're going to love what I have to show you."

The lock fell from its place at the centre of the door and hung limp over the handle. Two guards pushed the massive door open then stepped aside so I could take in the mastery that laid before me.

It was a state of the art lab! There were high quality cucurbits, alembics, lutes, and more! A top of the range furnace, tongs, mittens, an endless supply of vials lined up and waiting to be filled on a shelf up against the wall. There were workbenches, far larger than the measly one in my lab, and some solid wood, but there was a single metal one too, cleaned and waiting to be used.

In all my wonder, I forgot I had Raiden with me. I almost didn't catch him in time when he wiggled his hindquarters, aiming to leap onto the shelf with very delicate glass test tubes. I scooped him up into my arms and carried him to the centre of the room. His gaze transfixed on the light from the window that hit the glass just right to show off a display of colours he undoubtedly wanted to investigate further.

Queen Bethany chuckled at my enthusiasm. "If this excites you, follow me." She led me to a door hidden behind a workbench. She opened the door herself, her guards standing by the entrance, gaze diligently fixed down the hallway.

The aroma of dried herbs and flowers wafted out of the room and circled me in a warm embrace. It smelt like home.

My father always had something brewing. Sometimes sweet things, other times bitter things, but I loved it all. It was so much more than a smell; it was a creation, a collection of ingredients that, individually, did nothing, but together, they had the power to defy the odds, to cure sickness, heal seemingly mortal wounds.

This was alchemy.

The pantry was lined with shelves to the ceiling, a ladder at the ready, awaiting to take me to new heights in alchemy. Each shelf was packed with ingredients of all sorts as the next, vials threatening to spill over the sides they were so full. The best part? They were all labelled and alphabetised.

I sighed in delight and faced Queen Bethany. She wore a bright smile. "I like to spend my free time here, experimenting with various ingredients." She walked past a workbench, fingers grazing over the surface affectionately. "It's the one place where I am left alone, you see. Not even my guards are allowed in my lab--due to the delicate nature of my work sometimes." A light chuckle. "But I don't mind sharing my space with a kindred spirit. You're more than welcome to come here whenever you like."

I stared at her then peered around the lab of my dreams--the lab I had been given full access to. Never in my life would I have expected myself to be a kindred spirit to the queen of my kingdom, but I saw the excitement in her eyes, the thrill of discovery and exploration.

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