indivisible then

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This poem is dedicated to Ate J, my very first bestie when I was in highschool, who introduced me to the true meaning of friendship. She was my first in everything when it came to having a friend.

The poem tells the story of a close friendship that started with a deep connection and many shared memories but ended unexpectedly. It follows the journey from joyful times, when we were inseparable, until the sudden end of our bond.


Indivisible Then

I thought we would last, we'd be together until the end
you sat beside me when I was alone and had no friend.
I didn't know anyone, I had no one to talk to,
but you did everything to make me feel at ease with you. 

from that day on, we became the closest of friends
I thought of you as my soulmate, without any pretense
you're my first best friend and we had great memories, 
we were partners in everything, even in playful miseries. 

you were my favorite, an older sister I never had,
you made me laugh so hard when I was feeling sad. 
nothing could break the friendship that we shared, 
I wanted you to be my sister for as long as you cared. 

people showed your flaws for me to see,
I accepted you and prayed a friendship for eternity,
but then, what happened? why did we drift apart? 
I can't remember anything; we just stopped talking and it broke my heart. 

I thought we'd stay together, but everything suddenly stopped
did I do something wrong, or did our fate just really drop?
I lost a friend, a companion, someone I could trust
it feels like destiny is what pulled us into dust. 

I really had a hard time letting anyone in,
being alone was fine to avoid abandonment and pain
thinking that everything will always come to end,
I kept my walls high, afraid to risk again.

but there were some who broke the walls I made,
they stayed and became the friends who wouldn't trade. 
yet there's still a void that is hard to ignore, 
'cause I never got the answers to why we don't talk anymore. 

you were the first to show me what true friendship meant. 
I thought our bond would last without a hint of dissent. 
even after I had new friends, I've never forgotten you. 
I still wish all the moments we shared could come back too.

now I have many regrets; I wish I could turn back time,
our laughter, our selfies, all the memories lingering in my mind.
the online letters I wrote when you were absent in class,
telling you I missed you, hoping you'd return at last.

your teasing about my crush, your jokes that made me laugh—
if only I could bring those moments back, even just a half.
If I were to blame, forgive me for the things I lack
but if it's destiny's fault, I hope it tells you now to come back.

now I can do nothing but remember our happy days.
I don't know where you are now, or if we'll ever cross our ways.
but if someday we meet again, I hope you'd read this.
I will hug you tight and tell you just how much you're missed.

when that day comes, I'll embrace you and give you a smile.
I'd whisper in your ear how much I've missed you all the while.
I'll tell you everything—how my life has been—
and I hope we can pick up from where we left it then.



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