📖 Assignment 7

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📌 Assignment 07 📌

Starting: 21st April // 5 pm, IST
Deadline: 30th April // 5 pm, IST

Kindly convert the time to your zone.


Book club moderator: AakritiPathak
For any questions or concern, kindly tag the moderator in comment section.


•• Comment guide: 3+ inline comments, and one overall comment of 4+ lines. Total of four comments per chapter. Two chapters in one assignment. A quality overall comment includes both the strength and the weakness of any chapter. Be sure to balance your comments with helpful advice, feedback, and points for the writer to take note of. After all, book club operates with aim to help a writer rectify their shortcomings.

•• If any member wishes to go on a break, or is returning from a hiatus - kindly fill the form in 'Hiatus form' chapter of this book. It's possible we may slip the names if informed via DMs solely. Do fill the form for us to keep tracks of them.

•• We have the provision of permanent pairing. If any pair wishes to be the pair for further assignments, or until their book is finished by the other - they can drop us a DM stating the same.

•• Starting from May 1 we will have BOTM (book of the month). BOTM will be picked out based on various factors such as quality of feedback exchanged, consistency, efforts. More updates on this will be coming in near time. Our group admins will be monitoring the comments more minutely here on.

•• Members who complete the assignment after deadline won't be added to the next one round. They will continue from the following one.

•• We are open to suggestions, feel free to drop your feedback or suggestions/ ideas for us here ---->>

•• Members who are yet to finish the pending assignment:

1. LunarAquarius : Assignment 6
2. lpmaddison : Assignment 6
3. yompous : Assignment 6

Kindly complete the assignments and comment done inline to this section.


GROUP IOLITEGroup Admin: sara_190106

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Group Admin: sara_190106

PAIR ONE (Permanent pair)

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