week one disaster

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3rd person POV:

picky walks into her room to find bubba in a white coat "uhm bubba whats going on why are you in my room?" bubba has a stern look on his face "picky we need to talk". hoppy walks in behind picky "picky is a strong word she will practically eat anything" bubba and picky both have a shocked look picky musters up some words "that not very....nice" Hoppy rolled her eyes "Well it's true girl" Picky feels deeply offended by this and is about to say something until Bubba spoke up. "Listen hun, I've noticed that you haven't been eating as much as usual...are you ok?" "I....I'm fine...don't worry about me.." Bubba sees right through her lie "picky...your not fine...you don't have to lie to me.." "...ok...i'm not ok...it's just that....I feel like my disorder...makes me seem...I don't know..it makes me seem..fat.."  "but you are fat" Hoppy said smiling as Bubbas stern look turned into a sympathetic look as he went over to her and put his hands on her cheeks "your not fat...who told you that...?" "kicken told me that I should go to the gym some day.." This made Bubbaphant REALLY upset "hun, I'm gonna go have a 'conversation' with that chicken" He made his way to kickens room and practically busted the door down "KICKEN CHICKEN!!" "why did you come in like that???" "BECAUSE I'M MAD AT YOU!! you bi-" picky busts into the room behind bubba "bubba its not that serious please leave him alone your gonna make me embarrassed" "Aww..is the FATA** embarrassed by her little boyfriend?" Kicken asked in a teasing manner "KICKEN SHUT UP!!" Bubba yelled and kicken immediately shut his mouth. "Listen here, your going to apologize to picky for calling her fat" Picky's face was really red as she looked away. "I didn't entirely call her fat" "Entirely??? I don't care! Apologize!" "ok ok geez..I'm sory for calling you fat" "its...fine I guess..." They walk out the room, bubba glaring at kicken as they leave "Now that he is out of the way..we can finally forget about him" Picky was blushing intensely at what bubba had done for her and how he did it. "You didn't have to do that for me..." "Yes i did...I'm your partner...I wont let anybody insult you like that" He kisses her forehead and she blushes "I....thank you for doing that....." "No problem"

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