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तुम बिन मैं देखो तो क्या से क्या हो बैठी
तुम को जो खोया तो ख़ुद को भी खो बैठी
मुझको तू ढूँढे तो ख़ुद को मैं पा लूँगी
मैं तेरे बदले में जन्नत भी ना लूँगी..

तुम तोड़ो ना दिल मेरा...



कि तेरे बिन आधा सा हुआ
अधूरा कोई वादा सा हुआ
जो पहले कुछ कम था दीवाना
मैं आज ज़्यादा हुआ...


Tanya's pov.

1 week later.

Dying for your love is easier than living for your loved one. This feeling is so piercing. But I'll pass this exam too. I know God is testing me.

He is testing my love for the 'love' i love.❤️

And I'll prove it to him that I'm not weak to give up. My Anubhav is so strong. He fought with that deadly accident and came back with his will and his blessings. I'll fight too. For him.

How bad he would feel when he got his memory back and got to know  that his sweetheart gave up so easily. Naah, not gonna happen. He once requested me not to cry in front of others. No, he didn't ask me to suppress my emotions, but he just wanted me to cry in his embrace only. So he can console me, rub my back softly , pat my head affectionately, and caress my hair lovingly. Speak sweet, comforting nothings in my ears.  Because it hurts him badly when his sweetheart's miserable self appears to others. He said that he himself feels like he is the one exposed to the world.

He said I'm his tigress i should only stand with shoulder up eyes straight, not looking down crying."""" He said I'm his strongest girl. And my Anubhav never lied.

So what if he's not recognising me. It's not his fault. Not at all. I'll be with him like his healer in his hard times. Same as he was with me like my remedy in my lowest. I'll not give up, at least, i confessed my feelings and told him that i, too, love him.

Third person's pov

It's been 1 week since Anubhav was admitted in hospital after them knowing about his memory loss.

If we say these seven days were hard for Tanya, then it would be an understatement.
They were horrible. As she promised herself she didn't leave his side but it was tough for her, too tough. They were engaged but not married, and him losing memories of their past, their love sprinkled as 'petrol in burning fire'.

His family was Royals, so no one can say something in front of them, but what if their own family member have foul mouths? The only daughter of Rajvanshi's or Anubhav's bua ji never left a chance to taunt her.

To call her a bad omen. That because of her Anubhav was in that condition. She used to behave well in front of Anubhav  and his father, but behind their back, she was worse.

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