♧-Not All Relationships Are Perfect-♧

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[Felix pov]

I was laying there looking up at our ceiling it wasn't at all interesting, but behind my eyes was the events playing from earlier today. The way Hyunjin had looked at me could not of been my imagination after all In the beginning I thought it was a coincidence seeing him at the convenience store working, then seeing him at the restaurant but it was definitely him. And that first day we met and he called me 'cute', it made a confetti cannon explode inside of me. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world right now, but I still had that doubt about him still being a playboy. After he had told me his story about what had happened when he was younger, it made my heart ache for him.

What he did wasn't right, but after knowing the truth of why someone is like it, you start to realise that maybe they did do a bad thing to make another right. I sighed again, and my thoughts were getting to me. It was one of the things I struggled with that Chan had helped me with whenever I needed it, and tonight felt like one of those nights. I sat up in bed, careful not to wake up Hyunjin and slid out of our silk bed covers. I looked back to make sure he was still sound asleep, and he was. Laying on his pillow like a piece of art, his mouth slightly open, shoeing his top two teeth, his hair slightly messy, but it made him more attractive. I shook my head and turned away from him, remembering what my actual intention was.

I slipped a hoodie over my shirt and baggy shorts I had borrowed from Hyunjin, not that he knew it yet, and opened out apartment door silently and slipped outside into the corridor. I let out my breath thar I didn't even realise I was holding and went to go to Chan's room when I heard noises coming from Minho and Jisung's room. I put my ear to the door and listened.
"Y-you never listen to me!" Han shouted at him while crying.
"I-i you don't really mean that d-do you?" Minho asked, his voice slightly cracking, showing how upset he felt. I could hear Jisung walking about.

"You don't get how it is to live with anxiety and things to play about your mind for the stupidest reasons!" Han shouted back at him. I could now hear Minho crying for the first time ever. "I-I try m-my best baby all I want is to help you but when I do one little thing wrong it spirals in your mind telling you that I've done other things that I haven't!" Minho cried while talking. I heard Jisung go silent.
"I don't want to talk to you right now." Jisung said calmly.
"W-what? Jisung , please, I do everything I can for you, and when your anxiety kicks in, you accuse me of everything you know I'd never do to you." Minho sniffled and opened the door the be face to face with me.
Minho was startled and wiped his eyes to hide the fact he was crying, but his little pout and red eyes gave it away.
"Why are you here." Minho asked coldly.
"I-i was walking to Chan hyungs room and heard you two arguing." I admitted sheepishly for listening to their conversation.

"Whatever." Minho said, rolling his eyes at me and going down the hall.
"Wait, where are you going? Your parents' house isn't near here." I asked. He turned back to me with tears running down his face.
"I don't know where I'm going just somewhere away from J-Jisung. I clearly make his life a misery." He cried, running off before I could stop him. I checked my phone and saw it was 5am, no trains, or buses would be running for another two hours, not to mention it was raining like anything outside. I stood there not knowing what to do, so I went to our Leader Chan hyung. I knocked on their door impatiently, waiting for someone to answer.
Chan opened the door with a messy hair and no shirt on.
"Yeah?" He asked sleeply.
"I-I uhm, I don't know where to start." I muttered. He opened the door wider, letting me inside. "It's fine. Jeongin is busy watching something anyway." Chan told me,

Taking me to the living room where Jeongin was watching a film. We both sat down, and he turned to me, waiting to see what I was going to say.
"I was having things on my mind, so I was going to come to you." I said, and he nodded.
"But then I heard Minho hyung and Jisung hyung arguing. Jisung hyung was saying how Minho never listens to him and doesn't get how it is to live with anxiety. Then he said he didn't want to talk to Minho hyung at that moment. Minho came out crying and left. I don't know where he went. All he said was, "At least I won't be making Jisung's life a misery." I finished looking at Chan for any sort of help.
"I don't know what to say. Minho never cries, and if he does, it's because something had really gotten to him." Chan stated, and I nodded.

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