20 Days to The Heist

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20 days before the heist.

Somewhere in a remote location. Outskirts of Bangkok in scarcely populated areas.

Inside a Huge warehouse located in some secret location.
A group of men are busy with different activities. Sounds from different equipment inside the closed space are almost deafening.

A group of 4 boys is standing, surrounding a table, one of them explaining and the other three listening to each word carefully as the orator emphasizes every important word repeating it twice. All have a grave expression as their eyebrows are curled up. As if something very important was going on.
The one explaining the plan was Bright (Lion), the brainchild of the Heist. And those listening to him were Earth (his brother) (Jaguar), Mix (Wolf), and Win( Panther).

➡️Lion (Bright)- "Stick to the plan. Ok? And if there's any change let us know. Remember, you guys are in charge of the whole team on the field. You can't be reckless. Do you understand?"

➡️Jaguar (Earth)- "Gotcha. Big bro!"

➡️Wolf (Mix)- "Got it, don't worry."

On the other side was a gym. Where two guys were hitting hard. Joong (Hawk), was busy with his dumbbells straining his already-pumped muscles. The other one, Pond (Scorpion) was wet like a crow caught in the rain by his own sweat, tiring himself to the last drop by push-ups.

On the other end of the space, there was a punching bag, where one was practicing hard. It's Phuwin (Cancer). The sweat on his face and the protruding nerves on his forehead reflected how dedicated he was to punching out his frustrations and anger on the poor Bag.

In the center was a ring. Where two of them were punching each other mercilessly as if they had been put to a real boxing competition. It's Ohm (Tarantula) and Nanon (Black Widow). Oh!! These two, hate each other's guts. Now who the hell put them together? If these two are in together in a fight, they end up blowing each other's noses. Nanon was bleeding from his nose, while Ohm had bruises evident around the corner of his eyes and blood oozing from his bruised lips. Yet they won't stop punching each other.
But why the hell doesn't anyone stop them? It seems the gang members are all used to their bloody fights.

Ohm throws a hard punch at Nanon and knocks him down.
The already injured Nanon was lying flat with his back on the floor of the ring and mumbling some gibberish.

➡️Tarantula (Ohm)- "Tired already? Huh? Ready to accept the defeat huh?"

➡️Black Widow (Nanon)- "Shut the fuck up."

➡️Tarantula (Ohm)- "So don't be a baby and stand the fuck up. Why are you behaving like a girl huh?"
Ohm extends his hand to pull Nanon up. But Nanon declines his help.

➡️Black Widow (Nanon)- "Fuck off!!"

➡️Tarantula (Ohm)- "You can't even stand up right now. But you dare to swear at me. Huh??!! You shithole! Why don't you go back to the little hole you came back from and cry like you used to."

➡️Black Widow (Nanon)- "You bastard!!"

Nanon stood back up again and started to throw random punches at Ohm. It seems Ohm's words were quite effective in giving him the boost he needed. It hurt his ego.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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