Chapter 9.1 - Awkward

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The Freebird's arrival caused another mini-crisis until we explained it was our ship. Sirone directed me to land it at the spaceport on a flat bluff that overlooked the sea. Little used, low green weeds poked up through tarmac cracks. Only an old boxy shuttle rested on the pad, used on rare occasions when they ventured to the outside worlds, such as to obtain needed items they could not fabricate themselves.

When the Freebird oval docking hatch opened, swinging inward within the airlock chamber with a whir of servo-motors, Bubba was there to greet us. Then, leaping down the one-meter gap to the tarmac, he sauntered over and rubbed across my legs. Zach's mouth gaped in surprise, who had before noted the star-cat rarely left the ship. Bubba soon perked up, his tail standing straight up and fur bristling, presumably noticing Josephine's scent on me.

"Come on, buddy," Zach said. "There's someone we'd like you to meet."

Sirone and Maya led us and Bubba to a greenhouse, which was Josephine's usual hangout. Along the way, Bubba gathered a small following of people curious about a new star-cat, and soon he gained an entourage worthy of a top celebrity.

Warm floral-scented air washed over me as we entered the greenhouse, and we made our way along a fish pond toward thick greenery. Bubba's fur bristled, then he sniffed the air and let out a high-pitched growl.

Within a minute, Josephine strutted out, tail twirling high. For a few moments, the cats circled each other, sniffing and rubbing. The timing was right — Josephine was in heat.

Josephine let out a low rumble and signaled her readiness by lowering her chest and raising her back end. Bubba needed no further invitation. Black fur on orange, he mounted her and thrusted to the cheers of onlookers.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from the raw sexual show.

Josephine let out a roar when Bubba pulled out, then swatted at him while arching her back. Bubba wisely retreated.

As I turned to Zach, I caught him smirking at me. Heat filled my cheeks as his sparkling, mirthful eyes pierced me, and I muttered to him, "Don't get any ideas, Zach." Although, I had to admit to myself, a primal part of me wished he would. But who was I kidding? The idea had long-ago occurred to him. Sometimes in unguarded moments, his eyes revealed unspoken lustful desires.

Turning away, I didn't dare gaze into Zach's deep moss-green orbs lest the fire flared up and consumed me. Being so long on the run, I had suppressed my sexual desires into smoldering coals and locked them safely away. There were a few hookups with strangers along the way to quench a flareup, but afterward, the experiences always left me feeling superficial and detached, ultimately emotionally unsatisfied. But I still struggled with a key question — how could I curse a good man with someone like myself?

And now... Zach, my partner in crime. Bubba's and Josephine's brazen display stoked my desires. Although aggravating at times, Zach had been nothing but a gentleman, supportive and caring, saving my life at risk of his own. By the stars, I even slept with him, and our make-out session by the glacier added fuel to the fire.

I needed to resolve my inner conflicts, as much for Zach as for me, but I didn't have the courage. Would he eventually discard me, another in a long list of flings? Heartbreak was a probable consequence.

Bubba strutted back to us, breaking me away from swirling thoughts. Zach kneeled down and scratched behind the star-cat's ears, whispering, "Bubba, you stud."

We stayed three more days, allowing repeat mating performances to ensure breeding success. Zach and I spent our awake time exploring Arcadia and blissful sleep time within each other's arms. Yet, I could not bring myself to express my feelings.

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