2. A New Face

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Suddenly, it hit me - Mr. McGuire, our Chemistry teacher, was absent! This was unusual, as he never missed a day of school. Before I could wonder further, an unfamiliar male voice echoed from the front of the room. Everyone froze, turning to face the new speaker. 'Listen up, everyone,' the new teacher, Mr. Jones, announced in a serious tone. 'Your old teacher, Mr. McGuire, was fired for unknown reasons, and I'll be taking over from now on.'

The class grumbled and rolled their eyes, ignoring Mr. Jones' stern warning about behavior. But when he slammed a ruler on the table, the room fell silent. I was lucky to have a window seat, but my friends Beto and Danny, sitting in the front row, looked like they wanted to vanish. This class was no longer going to be fun.

As Mr. Jones droned on about the lesson, I found myself zoning out and scanning the room. That's when I spotted a new face - the same guy I had seen in the office earlier. I turned around, my chest facing the back of my chair, and greeted him with a friendly 'Hi.' He replied with a soft 'Hi' of his own.

As we started talking, I learned that his name was Charles, and he was a junior. He had been expelled from his previous school and was now attending ours. His brand-new uniform and shiny shoes hinted at a wealthy background, which made me wonder why he was here instead of in a private school. Moreover, why hadn't anyone noticed him before?

Charles seemed shy and uninterested in conversation at first, but when we started discussing a popular cartoon series, he opened up. I discovered that his father owned a company, and his mother was a real estate agent. Just as we were getting into the conversation, I felt someone's gaze on me. I turned to see Anthony staring at me with an evil smirk. I knew exactly what he was planning, and my eyes widened in concern.

There was a history between Anthony and me. We used to be friends, but he had changed, becoming manipulative and using people for his gain. I knew his tactics all too well, and I wasn't going to let him ruin my moments of joy again.

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