* Chapter 4 *

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*Dogday's POV*

I woke up with a heavy rainstorm with loud thunder my ears are sensitive and hears 2x louder I was a bit scared it was super cold I dont think theres any school today since the neighborhood is flooding but its not that big of a flood I check the group chat since im not coming because of the rainstorm

5:46 - - - - - GROUP CHAT


Bubba: No were not.

Bobby: Guys just keep calm its gonna go away eventually!

Bubba: Anyone came to school today?

Catnap: Who the hell comes to school when its raining like crazy bruh.

Bubba: Not my problem that I woke up early

Catnap: Womp womp.

Kickin: Anyone wanna go play after the storm is over?

Hoppy: YES

Crafty: Yeah sure.

Catnap: K

Bubba: Its not the time to discuss playing when were in the middle of a storm.

Kickin: Fine who wanna come just wanna make sure. @everyone

Hoppy: ME

Bubba: Fine i guess ill play since because school is suspended anyways.

Bobby: Oh ill play!

- - - - -

Everyone in the group chat wanna play after the storm, I joined in also and chatting with everyone Kic1kin said we'll all play at like 12 AM.

The storm went away. I standed up realised I havent eated yet and was starving i immediately went downstairs and ate since it feels like im gonna die and setted an alarm for 11 AM so i can prepare, in the mean time and read the book i read yesterday the group chat was mad noisy but ignored it since their probably talking about school and playing.

After a few hours the alarm rang and i immediately changed my clothes and realised I didnt know where am I gonna drive to and hurriedly check the group chat seeing 54 unseen messages.

Dogday: g r e a t .

I eventually skipped the other text and found the park where were gonna play at and bring my phone, keys, book and money and drove to Catnap's place since he still needs to be picked up.

Catnap: Thanks, also wanna read tommorow?

Dogday: Oh... sure! I lost the book at Kickin's house but I have a new one you might like!

Catnap: Oh alright but first we should go to the park.

Dogday: Alright!

We drive for like 20 minutes until we got to the park seeing half of us there since the others are still heading here since its far.

The best part is theres no strangers here no wonder Kickin pick this place. I notice almost everyone have snacks like a bunch

Dogday: Whats for the snacks?

Kickin: To eat? Were staying here until 5 PM You didnt read the chats?

Dogday: Oops... My bad.

Kickin: Its alright just find someone to share with.

The others went to prepare a picnic to put all the snacks and water there while the others prepare their equipment like a racket while the others just sat at the picnic under the shade of the tree and laugh at some videos

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